Time to rock the cupcakes

Do you know this song?

Da-na-na-na-na-na-na-na! (shunka-shunka-shunka-shunka)
Da-na-na-na-na-na-na-na! (shunka-shunka-shunka-shunka)

Still don’t know? Play this:

That’s right – it’s my birthday, which is a National Holiday here in the forest. I proclaim that this day shall be celebrated by writing for fun, reading new books, eating popcorn and pumpkin ice cream, and singing loudly.


::wanders off to kitchen, book in hand, ice cream stained-mouth, thrashing head violently to music playing so loud the windows are preparing to shatter::

42 Replies to “Time to rock the cupcakes”

  1. Happy Birthday

    Yay! I get to to be the first one to say Happy B-Day at the blog. Enjoy cake and ice cream and anythikng else you like. We finally finished by b-day week (when you are as old as I am, it takes a week to eat enough cake). Enjoy the day!


  2. Happy Birthday!!! I hope you have a wonderful day!

    πŸ™‚ Sarah

    PS – I have never heard of pumpkin ice cream, but it sounds delicious!

  3. Happy Birthday!

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  4. “Take a Cha-chhaa-Chaaa-Chaannnnce….”

    What a way to start your day, Laurie. Fun first. Fun later. Fun forever.

    We could do a parody of this and call it music from the Beatles’ WRITE ALBUM. Snort. {}

    Happy, happy day to you, dear Laurie!

    Dancing, writing, celebrating, and reading YOU (swear to g-d, just started TWISTED last night),
    Pamela, who will see you at KW in January

  5. Figured I might say Happy Birthday over here on LJ too!
    I hope you have an amazing, creative. popcorn filled, music dancing day. With great weather! : )

  6. Happy birthday, Laurie! Very much looking forward to meeting you at NCTE in November. Don’t be surprised if I’m the red-faced fangirl holding out hardcover books to be signed …

    Oh, and remember: cake doesn’t have any calories today!

  7. YAY! Happy Happy Birthday! I will always remember this day because I nearly burned the house down while the family was at the hospital waiting for you. Hugs!

  8. Happy Birthday!
    I hope you have a wonderful, glorious, pumpkin ice cream filled day!
    Don’t forget to thank your mom for all of her efforts made on this special day in 1961.

  9. Happy Birthday!

    My birthday wish for you is books that continue to rock the top of the charts and continued happiness in your nonprofessional life.

  10. Happy happy!

    Extra special wishes for a truly spectacular birthday!!!!
    (from Jen in Greeley,Colorado: home of the chocolate fountain which makes everything…even popcorn and pumpkin ice cream… taste even more fantastic!)

  11. happy birthday! =)

    i know i left you a happy birthday comment on facebook, but i figured i’d leave you another one too! hope your special day has been wonderful! (oh and i ate a cupcake today in celebration!) miss you! =) ♥

  12. Birthdays

    Hey, your birthday is two day after mine and one day before my daughter’s. Happy Birthday week to us all!
    –Ellen W.

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