Sherman Alexie, The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian
(Little, Brown & Company)
Kathleen Duey, Skin Hunger: A Resurrection of Magic, Book One
(Atheneum Books for Young Readers)
M. Sindy Felin, Touching Snow (Atheneum Books for Young Readers)
Brian Selznick, The Invention of Hugo Cabret (Scholastic Press)
Sara Zarr, Story of a Girl (Little, Brown & Company)
Young People’s Literature Judges: Elizabeth Partridge (chair),
Pete Hautman, James Howe, Patricia McCormick, and Scott Westerfeld.
The NBA is an incredible honor and a whale of a good time. High fives and hoots of excitement for all five!
I’ve heard of most of them but unfortunately haven’t gotten around to reading any yet. But I own The Invention of Hugo Cabret so maybe that’ll be next on my reading list…
I think I could spend all my hours reading and still never get enough time to read…we won’t even mention the rest of the stuff that would go by the wayside. So tell me again how you canned an entire wilderness this summer…
Life is too short for working a job you hate.
Life is too short for keeping a secret that eats at your insides.
And I still can’t find Skin Hunger at any bookstore. Gah. (And yes, I know I can order it. Amazon is my friend, but it’s the principal of the thing.)