Yesterday was a perfect writing day.
I woke up at 4:45am, an hour before my alarm clock was scheduled to go off, thinking of my story. I ate my breakfast, wrote yesterday’s blog entry, spent 15 minutes reading and then I went to work.
5:45am – 11:30am – worked on the rough draft of my new YA novel. Took quick breaks for fresh cups of tea, and, of course, trips to the bathroom.
11:30am – noon – Lunch with my husband, discussed plans for the rest of the day.
noon – 4:45pm – worked on the revisions of my historical novel.
4:45pm – 6:30pm – worked out at gym; elliptical and weight lifting.
6:30 pm – dinner.
In the evening I talked to the birthday girl, read, knitted, watched the rest of a movie we had from Netflix, and finished signing several hundred bookplates for the Multnomah County Library system, which I will be visiting in a few weeks. (They go in the mail today, Sara.)
I did no “author work” at all, except for the bookplates. The Internet problems we’re having make dealing with email very time-consuming, so I am triaging all email that comes in. I did not deal with anything related to publicity. I just wrote. Got to bed at 10pm, which is a little late for me.
Last night I had one of my recurring baby dreams. In the old version of this dream, I am given an infant to take care of. I am so busy that I neglect the baby, and realize – with bonechilling horror – that I haven’t changed her diaper or fed her for days, and she is close to death. (I always wake up from this one in a cold sweat, heart racing.) I don’t need to pay a shrink to understand that the baby is my book, my writing, and I neglect it way too much.
Last night, the baby was in my dreams again, only this time, she was fat and healthy and happy and clean. Hmmmmm…….
Having duly noted that, I won’t be able to get in quite as many writing hours today because I have my annual skin cancer check-up and then I’m headed into the city because….
Chris Crutcher Alert Award-winning author, Chris Crutcher, will be the keynote speaker TODAY from 6:00-6:30 p.m. for the Banned Books Discussion in Curtin Auditorium at the Onondaga County Central Library located at The Galleries of Syracuse, NY. Many of Crutcher’s books have been banned. An author signing will follow the discussion. Call 315-435-1900 for more information.
Scribble, scribble, friends.
Excited to see your talk in Portland! 🙂
I wish I could see you when you are in Puddletown. Instead, I’m going to Texas for my first out of state school visit – four days worth! I would guess they are probably just a part of your day-to-day routine now – as for me, I’m excited, stressed, and a whole bunch of other emotions.
School visits are never routine. I think it’s really important to remember that even if you are saying the same things for the hundreth time, this is the first time that particular audience has heard you say them. You need to respect that and give them your best.
Other advice: wash your hands when ever you get the chance and pack fruit because it is nearly impossible to find on the road.
Good luck!
Oh that DOES sound perfect. I need one of those, and soon.
When areyou going to be in Portland??
a note of thanks
I attended the scbwi conference last Saturday, and I just wanted to take a minute to say, Wow!. Your keynote address was practical, inspirational, and emotional. When I had finished listening to you I felt drained. Great Job, many thanks.
John McGranaghan
PS: I was the person who approached you at lunch to reference an earlier conversation we had. In particular, your advice about having your first book published taking as long as attaining a Ph.D.
So I’m NOT psychotic?
“Last night I had one of my recurring baby dreams… I am so busy that I neglect the baby, and realize – with bonechilling horror – that I haven’t changed her diaper or fed her for days, and she is close to death. (I always wake up from this one in a cold sweat, heart racing.)”
OMG! I thought I was the only one with the awful baby dreams! Thank you about a gazillion times and for explaining what that meant. I thought it meant I was a bad mom. ((Which my children would think was the correct interpretation. Unless I was actively handing them money.)) ~
When exactly are you coming here to portland and to which library are you attending. I would be so excited to see you!!! 🙂
Maybe that’s what’s wrong haha, I was hoping you’d get my email before official sign-ups started but I wrote to you about NaNoWriMo hoping you’d do something to direct aspiring writers to it. Anyways, I’m happy to hear you are working on your new YA Novel, I cannot wait to hear more details on the plot and the main character.