We ate dinner at a friends’ house in the village and sat on their porch so we could enjoy the trick or treaters. (Nobody comes to our house… way too far out in the country. ) It was delightful. My favorite costume was a totally excellent dracula, around age 5, and a couple of tiny fairies. Then there was a pirate bawling at the top of his lungs. “Can this be the last house (sob, sob)? I want this to be the last house (more sobbing)!” If it wasn’t the last house, I hope he sends his therapy bills to his parents.
What were the coolest costumes you saw last night?
We had trick-or-treaters (unexpected!) but none of the girls were in costume. They were sweet and welcomed us to the neighborhood so they got candy (although it was just the candy I happened to have in the pantry).
We had trick-or-treaters (unexpected!) but none of the girls were in costume. They were sweet and welcomed us to the neighborhood so they got candy (although it was just the candy I happened to have in the pantry).
We had trick-or-treaters (unexpected!) but none of the girls were in costume. They were sweet and welcomed us to the neighborhood so they got candy (although it was just the candy I happened to have in the pantry).
i loved watching people get on and off the train. lots of crossdressing.
i loved watching people get on and off the train. lots of crossdressing.
i loved watching people get on and off the train. lots of crossdressing.
My favorite costume last night was a couple of little girls dressed as shrunken heads.
My favorite costume last night was a couple of little girls dressed as shrunken heads.
My favorite costume last night was a couple of little girls dressed as shrunken heads.
“What were the coolest costumes you saw last night?”
We had an adorable baby dressed as a pea in a pod, darling princesses, a toddler Elvis, but the award of the evening and a first for me was a ten year old kid who came to the door as a WHOOPIE CUSHION. We asked if we could sit on him. Yep, I’ve seen it all now.
“What were the coolest costumes you saw last night?”
We had an adorable baby dressed as a pea in a pod, darling princesses, a toddler Elvis, but the award of the evening and a first for me was a ten year old kid who came to the door as a WHOOPIE CUSHION. We asked if we could sit on him. Yep, I’ve seen it all now.
“What were the coolest costumes you saw last night?”
We had an adorable baby dressed as a pea in a pod, darling princesses, a toddler Elvis, but the award of the evening and a first for me was a ten year old kid who came to the door as a WHOOPIE CUSHION. We asked if we could sit on him. Yep, I’ve seen it all now.
It rained pretty bad last night in TX so the trick or treaters died down a bit until the rain let up. My favorite costume was a little girl dressed as Scarlett O’Hara 🙂 My other favorite had to be the dead cheerleader who was prob 11 or 12 & did a cheer when I asked. It was also cool to see teenagers out trick or treating because its nice to not lose the holiday spirit.
It rained pretty bad last night in TX so the trick or treaters died down a bit until the rain let up. My favorite costume was a little girl dressed as Scarlett O’Hara 🙂 My other favorite had to be the dead cheerleader who was prob 11 or 12 & did a cheer when I asked. It was also cool to see teenagers out trick or treating because its nice to not lose the holiday spirit.
It rained pretty bad last night in TX so the trick or treaters died down a bit until the rain let up. My favorite costume was a little girl dressed as Scarlett O’Hara 🙂 My other favorite had to be the dead cheerleader who was prob 11 or 12 & did a cheer when I asked. It was also cool to see teenagers out trick or treating because its nice to not lose the holiday spirit.
The kid in the black fro wig zipping down the street on his skateboard. I can’t remember what else he was wearing; he was moving too fast. But he was the only trick or treater on wheels that I saw all night.
The kid in the black fro wig zipping down the street on his skateboard. I can’t remember what else he was wearing; he was moving too fast. But he was the only trick or treater on wheels that I saw all night.
The kid in the black fro wig zipping down the street on his skateboard. I can’t remember what else he was wearing; he was moving too fast. But he was the only trick or treater on wheels that I saw all night.
My son made a great 3-year-old Spiderman screaming bloody murder over not riding in the wagon.
We went home then, so no more costumes to see.
My son made a great 3-year-old Spiderman screaming bloody murder over not riding in the wagon.
We went home then, so no more costumes to see.
My son made a great 3-year-old Spiderman screaming bloody murder over not riding in the wagon.
We went home then, so no more costumes to see.
I was Severus Snape via‘s fanfiction. (Black leather combat boots, black slacks and button-down shirt, black teacher’s robes, black cloak, concealed wand holster, and leave-in conditioner for properly greasy hair.) It was pretty persuasive, if I do say so myself, and I got to stay in character all day, deducting house points from my students whenever they failed to refer to me as Professor Snape.
I was Severus Snape via‘s fanfiction. (Black leather combat boots, black slacks and button-down shirt, black teacher’s robes, black cloak, concealed wand holster, and leave-in conditioner for properly greasy hair.) It was pretty persuasive, if I do say so myself, and I got to stay in character all day, deducting house points from my students whenever they failed to refer to me as Professor Snape.
I was Severus Snape via‘s fanfiction. (Black leather combat boots, black slacks and button-down shirt, black teacher’s robes, black cloak, concealed wand holster, and leave-in conditioner for properly greasy hair.) It was pretty persuasive, if I do say so myself, and I got to stay in character all day, deducting house points from my students whenever they failed to refer to me as Professor Snape.
That’s actually.
That’s actually.
That’s actually.
I LOVE your icon,!
I LOVE your icon,!
I LOVE your icon,!
A really superb 9 year old Anubis! Who was mad because nobody recognized him as Anubis. (Although he looked exactly right, dog head, veil, golden collar and all).
A: “who am I?”
Me: “well, obviously ANUBIS.
A: “AHH! FINALLY! How come nobody gets that? This one guy thought I was a knight! A KNIGHT! Come ON! I’ve got a dog head! What kind of KNIGHT wears a dog head?
teehee – cute, angry little egyptian god.
A really superb 9 year old Anubis! Who was mad because nobody recognized him as Anubis. (Although he looked exactly right, dog head, veil, golden collar and all).
A: “who am I?”
Me: “well, obviously ANUBIS.
A: “AHH! FINALLY! How come nobody gets that? This one guy thought I was a knight! A KNIGHT! Come ON! I’ve got a dog head! What kind of KNIGHT wears a dog head?
teehee – cute, angry little egyptian god.
A really superb 9 year old Anubis! Who was mad because nobody recognized him as Anubis. (Although he looked exactly right, dog head, veil, golden collar and all).
A: “who am I?”
Me: “well, obviously ANUBIS.
A: “AHH! FINALLY! How come nobody gets that? This one guy thought I was a knight! A KNIGHT! Come ON! I’ve got a dog head! What kind of KNIGHT wears a dog head?
teehee – cute, angry little egyptian god.
thanks 🙂 Grey’s Anatomy rocks my socks!
thanks 🙂 Grey’s Anatomy rocks my socks!
thanks 🙂 Grey’s Anatomy rocks my socks!
That is such a great story. I wish I could send candy to that kid.
That is such a great story. I wish I could send candy to that kid.
That is such a great story. I wish I could send candy to that kid.
GA is my favorite show. I love your Bailey icon, too, and also your layout! 😉
GA is my favorite show. I love your Bailey icon, too, and also your layout! 😉
GA is my favorite show. I love your Bailey icon, too, and also your layout! 😉
What a fabulous idea! :cheer:
What a fabulous idea! :cheer:
What a fabulous idea! :cheer:
stayed home for hallows
I’m lmao right now about that little kid!!! LOL!!! I would have fallen out of my chair! I stayed home though for halloween-waiting for nov 1…nano is here and I’m busy writing out my novel. this is going to be a long month. i hope it goes by fast. the only coustumes i saw were: a little kid dressed up as spider man. two girls dressed up as witches or catwoman(couldnt really tell it was dark) some kid dressed up as superman. and a girl dress up as pioson ivy and her friend as a she-devil. but theyu were just like hookers. i think they dropped thier brain somewhere-in toilet or somethng-casue it ws really cold and they were half dressed-walking in heels and crap. i wish there was a shaking your head smiely on here.
stayed home for hallows
I’m lmao right now about that little kid!!! LOL!!! I would have fallen out of my chair! I stayed home though for halloween-waiting for nov 1…nano is here and I’m busy writing out my novel. this is going to be a long month. i hope it goes by fast. the only coustumes i saw were: a little kid dressed up as spider man. two girls dressed up as witches or catwoman(couldnt really tell it was dark) some kid dressed up as superman. and a girl dress up as pioson ivy and her friend as a she-devil. but theyu were just like hookers. i think they dropped thier brain somewhere-in toilet or somethng-casue it ws really cold and they were half dressed-walking in heels and crap. i wish there was a shaking your head smiely on here.
stayed home for hallows
I’m lmao right now about that little kid!!! LOL!!! I would have fallen out of my chair! I stayed home though for halloween-waiting for nov 1…nano is here and I’m busy writing out my novel. this is going to be a long month. i hope it goes by fast. the only coustumes i saw were: a little kid dressed up as spider man. two girls dressed up as witches or catwoman(couldnt really tell it was dark) some kid dressed up as superman. and a girl dress up as pioson ivy and her friend as a she-devil. but theyu were just like hookers. i think they dropped thier brain somewhere-in toilet or somethng-casue it ws really cold and they were half dressed-walking in heels and crap. i wish there was a shaking your head smiely on here.
I saw a little baby dressed as Chewbacca…and someone was Fat Bastard. There were also a couple of teenage girls, not dressed as anything, but wearing the shortest skirts I’ve ever seen. Skirts that would barely reach the knee of a seven year old. I went as a “teenage faerie” from Francesca Lia Block’s “I Was A Teenage Fairy” I basically wore a normal outfit, with this awesome twirly skirt with a watercolour butterfly on. Too bad I forgot the wings…
I saw a little baby dressed as Chewbacca…and someone was Fat Bastard. There were also a couple of teenage girls, not dressed as anything, but wearing the shortest skirts I’ve ever seen. Skirts that would barely reach the knee of a seven year old. I went as a “teenage faerie” from Francesca Lia Block’s “I Was A Teenage Fairy” I basically wore a normal outfit, with this awesome twirly skirt with a watercolour butterfly on. Too bad I forgot the wings…
I saw a little baby dressed as Chewbacca…and someone was Fat Bastard. There were also a couple of teenage girls, not dressed as anything, but wearing the shortest skirts I’ve ever seen. Skirts that would barely reach the knee of a seven year old. I went as a “teenage faerie” from Francesca Lia Block’s “I Was A Teenage Fairy” I basically wore a normal outfit, with this awesome twirly skirt with a watercolour butterfly on. Too bad I forgot the wings…
halloween costumes
hmm…*pondering this question*…my favorite costume was a little girl dressed up like snow white. actually there were two little snow whites. and then my 2 neighbors dressed up like what the other one was /wore in 3rd grade. does that make any sense? it was pretty creative, or so i thought. by the way, you crack me up. “if it wasn’t the last house i hope he sends his therapy bills to his parents.” lol. well i g2g. ttyl. -ash 🙂
p.s. do you know if you’re going to be in NYC at the end of april? i’m coming to NYC i think on the last weekend in april (i’ll double check the dates) and was wondering if you were if we could meet up at that cupcake cafe. let me know. thanks.
halloween costumes
hmm…*pondering this question*…my favorite costume was a little girl dressed up like snow white. actually there were two little snow whites. and then my 2 neighbors dressed up like what the other one was /wore in 3rd grade. does that make any sense? it was pretty creative, or so i thought. by the way, you crack me up. “if it wasn’t the last house i hope he sends his therapy bills to his parents.” lol. well i g2g. ttyl. -ash 🙂
p.s. do you know if you’re going to be in NYC at the end of april? i’m coming to NYC i think on the last weekend in april (i’ll double check the dates) and was wondering if you were if we could meet up at that cupcake cafe. let me know. thanks.
halloween costumes
hmm…*pondering this question*…my favorite costume was a little girl dressed up like snow white. actually there were two little snow whites. and then my 2 neighbors dressed up like what the other one was /wore in 3rd grade. does that make any sense? it was pretty creative, or so i thought. by the way, you crack me up. “if it wasn’t the last house i hope he sends his therapy bills to his parents.” lol. well i g2g. ttyl. -ash 🙂
p.s. do you know if you’re going to be in NYC at the end of april? i’m coming to NYC i think on the last weekend in april (i’ll double check the dates) and was wondering if you were if we could meet up at that cupcake cafe. let me know. thanks.
My brother dressed up as Captain Jack Sparrow from Pirates of the Caribbean (aka Johnny Deep) and it turned out really awesome! But I went to my friends house and we didn’t really see many trick-or-treaters..
My brother dressed up as Captain Jack Sparrow from Pirates of the Caribbean (aka Johnny Deep) and it turned out really awesome! But I went to my friends house and we didn’t really see many trick-or-treaters..
My brother dressed up as Captain Jack Sparrow from Pirates of the Caribbean (aka Johnny Deep) and it turned out really awesome! But I went to my friends house and we didn’t really see many trick-or-treaters..
a little boy was dressed up as batman with the bat on the chest outlined in blinking orange lights that i think were part of the costume.
a little boy was dressed up as batman with the bat on the chest outlined in blinking orange lights that i think were part of the costume.
a little boy was dressed up as batman with the bat on the chest outlined in blinking orange lights that i think were part of the costume.
No one comes to our house because our street has no street lights.
Too bad I wasn’t able to go trick or treating last night…stupid homework.
Oh well, candy for me. =)
No one comes to our house because our street has no street lights.
Too bad I wasn’t able to go trick or treating last night…stupid homework.
Oh well, candy for me. =)
No one comes to our house because our street has no street lights.
Too bad I wasn’t able to go trick or treating last night…stupid homework.
Oh well, candy for me. =)
Sadly, I didn’t get to go trick or treating, because I was “sick”. No earned candy, which was a bummer, but hardly any kids came to my house, so we had lots of candy left over. 😀
Sadly, I didn’t get to go trick or treating, because I was “sick”. No earned candy, which was a bummer, but hardly any kids came to my house, so we had lots of candy left over. 😀
Sadly, I didn’t get to go trick or treating, because I was “sick”. No earned candy, which was a bummer, but hardly any kids came to my house, so we had lots of candy left over. 😀
Halloween ^^
I live in an apartment, so we didn’t really see anyone. ^^ And the whole county was dead last night because everyone had evacuated from the hurricane, or wasn’t trick or treating because of all the trash on the streets, etc. 🙂 So we just stayed in, watched a movie, and ate popcorn and Twizzlers. (yum! :P)
But, all in all, it was pretty fun. (:
Halloween ^^
I live in an apartment, so we didn’t really see anyone. ^^ And the whole county was dead last night because everyone had evacuated from the hurricane, or wasn’t trick or treating because of all the trash on the streets, etc. 🙂 So we just stayed in, watched a movie, and ate popcorn and Twizzlers. (yum! :P)
But, all in all, it was pretty fun. (:
Halloween ^^
I live in an apartment, so we didn’t really see anyone. ^^ And the whole county was dead last night because everyone had evacuated from the hurricane, or wasn’t trick or treating because of all the trash on the streets, etc. 🙂 So we just stayed in, watched a movie, and ate popcorn and Twizzlers. (yum! :P)
But, all in all, it was pretty fun. (:
Halloween is always fun…
The weirdest costume- by far- was a child about 7 or 8 dressed as a pine cone. Pretty amusing, I thought. And I also saw a mom and baby dressed as little boo peep and her lost sheep. It was really cute. I’ve never seen a mom/baby combo like that before.
Halloween is always fun…
The weirdest costume- by far- was a child about 7 or 8 dressed as a pine cone. Pretty amusing, I thought. And I also saw a mom and baby dressed as little boo peep and her lost sheep. It was really cute. I’ve never seen a mom/baby combo like that before.
Halloween is always fun…
The weirdest costume- by far- was a child about 7 or 8 dressed as a pine cone. Pretty amusing, I thought. And I also saw a mom and baby dressed as little boo peep and her lost sheep. It was really cute. I’ve never seen a mom/baby combo like that before.
At our school, girls dressed up, but juniors were limited to “historical figures.” The best costume was a girl who dressed up as Jesus and all her friends were her deciples and Mary. (I go to a Catholic school.) When she won the junior prize, all her deciples climbed on stage and started “worshiping her.” It was pretty funny.
At our school, girls dressed up, but juniors were limited to “historical figures.” The best costume was a girl who dressed up as Jesus and all her friends were her deciples and Mary. (I go to a Catholic school.) When she won the junior prize, all her deciples climbed on stage and started “worshiping her.” It was pretty funny.
At our school, girls dressed up, but juniors were limited to “historical figures.” The best costume was a girl who dressed up as Jesus and all her friends were her deciples and Mary. (I go to a Catholic school.) When she won the junior prize, all her deciples climbed on stage and started “worshiping her.” It was pretty funny.
thanks! its my favorite show too. Sundays are my tv nights, when I have to watch TV 🙂 Extreme Makeover: Home Edition, Desperate Housweives, & Grey’s Anatomy. I need to fix my layout. ♥
thanks! its my favorite show too. Sundays are my tv nights, when I have to watch TV 🙂 Extreme Makeover: Home Edition, Desperate Housweives, & Grey’s Anatomy. I need to fix my layout. ♥
thanks! its my favorite show too. Sundays are my tv nights, when I have to watch TV 🙂 Extreme Makeover: Home Edition, Desperate Housweives, & Grey’s Anatomy. I need to fix my layout. ♥
I know: Sunday is the best night of tv. I alternate between EMHE and The Simpsons from 8-830, watch EMHE, alternate between Family Guy and Desperate Housewives from 9-930, watch DH, then watch all of GA. 😀
I know: Sunday is the best night of tv. I alternate between EMHE and The Simpsons from 8-830, watch EMHE, alternate between Family Guy and Desperate Housewives from 9-930, watch DH, then watch all of GA. 😀
I know: Sunday is the best night of tv. I alternate between EMHE and The Simpsons from 8-830, watch EMHE, alternate between Family Guy and Desperate Housewives from 9-930, watch DH, then watch all of GA. 😀
happy national novel writing month:-)!
just wanted to wish you a happy national novel writing month:-)! did you know november is national novel writing month? i didn’t until somebody told me yesterday, so i thought i’d wish you one:-)! -ash 🙂
happy national novel writing month:-)!
just wanted to wish you a happy national novel writing month:-)! did you know november is national novel writing month? i didn’t until somebody told me yesterday, so i thought i’d wish you one:-)! -ash 🙂
happy national novel writing month:-)!
just wanted to wish you a happy national novel writing month:-)! did you know november is national novel writing month? i didn’t until somebody told me yesterday, so i thought i’d wish you one:-)! -ash 🙂
the BEST halloween costumes
my sister loves Star Trek, so she dressed up as an Andorian – an alien that has blue skin, white hair and antennas that move around freely (although hers did not). Also, my friend was a cereal killer (he had a spoon and a box of cheerios depicting the little o’s fleeing in terror from a monstrous spoon with an evil face).
the BEST halloween costumes
my sister loves Star Trek, so she dressed up as an Andorian – an alien that has blue skin, white hair and antennas that move around freely (although hers did not). Also, my friend was a cereal killer (he had a spoon and a box of cheerios depicting the little o’s fleeing in terror from a monstrous spoon with an evil face).
the BEST halloween costumes
my sister loves Star Trek, so she dressed up as an Andorian – an alien that has blue skin, white hair and antennas that move around freely (although hers did not). Also, my friend was a cereal killer (he had a spoon and a box of cheerios depicting the little o’s fleeing in terror from a monstrous spoon with an evil face).
its nicole from harbor
um hey i went to the mannhatten village halloween parade with my brother and uncle and even though i was out till 3 and didnt wake up for school the next day it was soooooooooo worht it it was so awesome i had fun even though i didnt have a “costume” i just wore cat ears the night before i had my costume on and i cant find a way to send u those pictures but i will i didnt know if ud answered my last e mail that was the day u visited m school but frankly i dont remember that date well ill rememeber this one were gonna watch the movie speak in class now yay!
thanx again
its nicole from harbor
um hey i went to the mannhatten village halloween parade with my brother and uncle and even though i was out till 3 and didnt wake up for school the next day it was soooooooooo worht it it was so awesome i had fun even though i didnt have a “costume” i just wore cat ears the night before i had my costume on and i cant find a way to send u those pictures but i will i didnt know if ud answered my last e mail that was the day u visited m school but frankly i dont remember that date well ill rememeber this one were gonna watch the movie speak in class now yay!
thanx again
its nicole from harbor
um hey i went to the mannhatten village halloween parade with my brother and uncle and even though i was out till 3 and didnt wake up for school the next day it was soooooooooo worht it it was so awesome i had fun even though i didnt have a “costume” i just wore cat ears the night before i had my costume on and i cant find a way to send u those pictures but i will i didnt know if ud answered my last e mail that was the day u visited m school but frankly i dont remember that date well ill rememeber this one were gonna watch the movie speak in class now yay!
thanx again
Dear laurie this is probaly off subject but I have just finished your book Speak this book so far is my all time favorite book. I can’t wait till it comes out on DVD. Thank you so much for reading my comment.
Danette Moore
Dear laurie this is probaly off subject but I have just finished your book Speak this book so far is my all time favorite book. I can’t wait till it comes out on DVD. Thank you so much for reading my comment.
Danette Moore
Dear laurie this is probaly off subject but I have just finished your book Speak this book so far is my all time favorite book. I can’t wait till it comes out on DVD. Thank you so much for reading my comment.
Danette Moore
i JUST read your book speak in class and i though it was amazing. is it out on dvd yet?
my email is
thanks. and again..i loved speak!
i JUST read your book speak in class and i though it was amazing. is it out on dvd yet?
my email is
thanks. and again..i loved speak!
i JUST read your book speak in class and i though it was amazing. is it out on dvd yet?
my email is
thanks. and again..i loved speak!
whoops…havent had the chance to comment in awhile..anyways…my class is reading speak for this project thing…and i was like to my teacher “umm i’ve already read the book a lot…i know it really well… and shes like “no problem, have you read catalyst” “yeah” “fever 1793” “yeah” “prom?” “of course” so i ended up reading another book….it was really really funny though. My whole class was amazed i think, that there is someone that reads book for pleasure. seriously. what a loony class. the probably thought i was stoned or something cause i actually like reading…weird, huh?
whoops…havent had the chance to comment in awhile..anyways…my class is reading speak for this project thing…and i was like to my teacher “umm i’ve already read the book a lot…i know it really well… and shes like “no problem, have you read catalyst” “yeah” “fever 1793” “yeah” “prom?” “of course” so i ended up reading another book….it was really really funny though. My whole class was amazed i think, that there is someone that reads book for pleasure. seriously. what a loony class. the probably thought i was stoned or something cause i actually like reading…weird, huh?
whoops…havent had the chance to comment in awhile..anyways…my class is reading speak for this project thing…and i was like to my teacher “umm i’ve already read the book a lot…i know it really well… and shes like “no problem, have you read catalyst” “yeah” “fever 1793” “yeah” “prom?” “of course” so i ended up reading another book….it was really really funny though. My whole class was amazed i think, that there is someone that reads book for pleasure. seriously. what a loony class. the probably thought i was stoned or something cause i actually like reading…weird, huh?
these kids today!
hey I know way too many kids just like your classmates. My school is filled with them. Other than assigned books for class (and most of the time not even those) they have never turned a page, never dreamt that they could read or write something to occupy themselves instead of playing video games or committing pointless acts of vandalism. and you know what the result of that is? They appear STUPID. I know many of them are quite intelligent, but they just don’t want to try something new or difficult! wow sorry that was probably too long, it just makes me mad b/c I love to read, like you, and because we read a lot we probably appear much more intelligent and better-expressed than them. keep reading! it’s not weird at all. the weird ones are everyone else. 🙂
these kids today!
hey I know way too many kids just like your classmates. My school is filled with them. Other than assigned books for class (and most of the time not even those) they have never turned a page, never dreamt that they could read or write something to occupy themselves instead of playing video games or committing pointless acts of vandalism. and you know what the result of that is? They appear STUPID. I know many of them are quite intelligent, but they just don’t want to try something new or difficult! wow sorry that was probably too long, it just makes me mad b/c I love to read, like you, and because we read a lot we probably appear much more intelligent and better-expressed than them. keep reading! it’s not weird at all. the weird ones are everyone else. 🙂
these kids today!
hey I know way too many kids just like your classmates. My school is filled with them. Other than assigned books for class (and most of the time not even those) they have never turned a page, never dreamt that they could read or write something to occupy themselves instead of playing video games or committing pointless acts of vandalism. and you know what the result of that is? They appear STUPID. I know many of them are quite intelligent, but they just don’t want to try something new or difficult! wow sorry that was probably too long, it just makes me mad b/c I love to read, like you, and because we read a lot we probably appear much more intelligent and better-expressed than them. keep reading! it’s not weird at all. the weird ones are everyone else. 🙂