Found in my backpack

I came across two notes as I cleaned out my backpack this evening. The first is from the conference I attended in Colorado. Chris Raschka challenged us to write a limerick. Since I was surrounded by teachers in Greely, CO, this is what I wrote. (It has two endings; the first pessimistic, the second, optimistic.)

There was a school teacher from Greely,
who distributed books rather freely.
Her class a chaotic,
imaginative riot –
her students’ success deemed unseemly.
Her class a chaotic,
imaginative riot –
her kids sprawled happily on the ceiling.

The second is a great school library suggestion from Jerry Laub, a high school librarian in Ohio. Jerry wrote to tell me that he has (brightly colored) comment papers stuck in his YA books so he can get direct feedback from readers about which books they love and which books they loathe. Brilliant!

9 Replies to “Found in my backpack”

  1. Review in Books

    Oh, good idea ont he comment papers. At work, we do similar with Staff Picks. When we read a particularly good hardback, we can write our comments, slide the paper in the book and stick it on the Staff Picks shelf. It’s neat to see someone buy a book because of your review. 🙂

  2. Review in Books

    Oh, good idea ont he comment papers. At work, we do similar with Staff Picks. When we read a particularly good hardback, we can write our comments, slide the paper in the book and stick it on the Staff Picks shelf. It’s neat to see someone buy a book because of your review. 🙂

  3. Review in Books

    Oh, good idea ont he comment papers. At work, we do similar with Staff Picks. When we read a particularly good hardback, we can write our comments, slide the paper in the book and stick it on the Staff Picks shelf. It’s neat to see someone buy a book because of your review. 🙂

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