Seriously. The laundry is going. I leave again in the morning, this time for a few days in Maryland and Virginia.
Thanks to everybody at FCTE for making my trip to Orlando so rewarding. And I need to say “hi” to Kayce who sat next to me at lunch, and Laura and Erin who sat next to me on the plane down to Florida. I hope you guys had a good weekend, too. (And yes, a private note to Erin’s English teacher – she really did meet me. How can I prove that? Because I read her piece about showboarding in Utah. I liked it a lot…. so did you. I saw the comments.)
I’ll try to post from the road this week, I promise. Before I go, a question from Brooklyn.
Jessica writes: … i read catalyst and i remember kate said that a senoir had tried to rape melinda does that mean no one found out that he really had raped her before school started? and it also said melinda pressed charges but andy didn’t go to jail would melinda be ok with the fact that he didn’t go to jail?
In my mind, he was charged with the second attack, the one in the closet. He was not charged with the rape that occurred nine months earlier. And no, Melinda, would not be happy with the fact that he did not go to jail. But you better believe that having found the strength to speak up, she will press charges immediately if anyone ever hurts her again. And so should all you guys out there reading this.
thats what really made me mad…andy didnt go to jail!!!!!!! i know what its like though to be sexually assulted- but i was so young when it happened i didnt have a clue about what was going on except that i did not like it. and i didn’t tell my foster mom about it either(if she would have even believed me!!!!). I didnt talk about it until my mom came and sat down and asked me. its such a long story though. so long that im going to write a story about it-but it’ll be fiction. I don’t feel up to writing a memoir! but anyways im just glad that andy did get caught and all. makes me feel a little better.
thats what really made me mad…andy didnt go to jail!!!!!!! i know what its like though to be sexually assulted- but i was so young when it happened i didnt have a clue about what was going on except that i did not like it. and i didn’t tell my foster mom about it either(if she would have even believed me!!!!). I didnt talk about it until my mom came and sat down and asked me. its such a long story though. so long that im going to write a story about it-but it’ll be fiction. I don’t feel up to writing a memoir! but anyways im just glad that andy did get caught and all. makes me feel a little better.
thats what really made me mad…andy didnt go to jail!!!!!!! i know what its like though to be sexually assulted- but i was so young when it happened i didnt have a clue about what was going on except that i did not like it. and i didn’t tell my foster mom about it either(if she would have even believed me!!!!). I didnt talk about it until my mom came and sat down and asked me. its such a long story though. so long that im going to write a story about it-but it’ll be fiction. I don’t feel up to writing a memoir! but anyways im just glad that andy did get caught and all. makes me feel a little better.
Unfortunately, perps often get away with it, and that pisses me off, but what’s important as far as healing goes is that Melinda did what she could, and she isn’t a victim any more, she’s a suvivor. Knowing that you did the right thing, even if the justice system drops the ball afterwards, really helps.
Unfortunately, perps often get away with it, and that pisses me off, but what’s important as far as healing goes is that Melinda did what she could, and she isn’t a victim any more, she’s a suvivor. Knowing that you did the right thing, even if the justice system drops the ball afterwards, really helps.
Unfortunately, perps often get away with it, and that pisses me off, but what’s important as far as healing goes is that Melinda did what she could, and she isn’t a victim any more, she’s a suvivor. Knowing that you did the right thing, even if the justice system drops the ball afterwards, really helps.
Finding My Voice At FCTE
L., it was beyond inspiring to meet you at FCTE! Thank you for allowing me to bask in the glow of your writer-ness and for the words of encouragement. I came home with a renewed sense of purpose. I, too, come from a family who, when I am writing full time (and even getting paid), ask me when I am going to get a job! Being an English teacher is the only thing that seems to count for anything. I was glad to hear you share your experiences. I have been writing like a madwoman since returning, and my character has found her voice (it’s not just a voice in my head anymore…whew!). Love to you and yours! Your humble autograph-assistant. Wendy
Finding My Voice At FCTE
L., it was beyond inspiring to meet you at FCTE! Thank you for allowing me to bask in the glow of your writer-ness and for the words of encouragement. I came home with a renewed sense of purpose. I, too, come from a family who, when I am writing full time (and even getting paid), ask me when I am going to get a job! Being an English teacher is the only thing that seems to count for anything. I was glad to hear you share your experiences. I have been writing like a madwoman since returning, and my character has found her voice (it’s not just a voice in my head anymore…whew!). Love to you and yours! Your humble autograph-assistant. Wendy
Finding My Voice At FCTE
L., it was beyond inspiring to meet you at FCTE! Thank you for allowing me to bask in the glow of your writer-ness and for the words of encouragement. I came home with a renewed sense of purpose. I, too, come from a family who, when I am writing full time (and even getting paid), ask me when I am going to get a job! Being an English teacher is the only thing that seems to count for anything. I was glad to hear you share your experiences. I have been writing like a madwoman since returning, and my character has found her voice (it’s not just a voice in my head anymore…whew!). Love to you and yours! Your humble autograph-assistant. Wendy
Re: Finding My Voice At FCTE
Thank you for all your help, Wendy. I am thrilled that the writing is flowing!
Re: Finding My Voice At FCTE
Thank you for all your help, Wendy. I am thrilled that the writing is flowing!
Re: Finding My Voice At FCTE
Thank you for all your help, Wendy. I am thrilled that the writing is flowing!