Just a quick note – I made it back with both of my parents and my Beloved Husband who shall be called Sainted Husband for a long time because of his actions way above and beyond the requirements detailed in our marriage vows.
I have a lot of mail to catch up on. Once that is done, I’ll respond to the questions that popped up about the SPEAK movie in comments last week.
I’ll write about the Elder Caravan adventure, too, but I’ll put it behind a LJ-cut so you won’t have to read it if you don’t want. I didn’t take many pictures (too crazy for that), however there is one photo from a gas station in Florida you have got to see.
Talk to youse tomorrow!
Good to know you’re still alive. 🙂
Good to know you’re still alive. 🙂
Good to know you’re still alive. 🙂
i’m glad to hear you’re back safe and sound. i can’t wait to read your LJ-cut entry:-)! i just wanted to ask you something. see, i received a note about a special scholarship that only 12-15 legally blind students can get per year. you can read the details in my LJ. it’s the Jewish Guild Scholarship, i think. their website is
. but anyway i need 3 letters of reccomendation and i know you’re busy and all that but i was wondering if you wouldn’t mind writing me one? please? i don’t know all the details (like when it’s due and everything) yet, but i’ll let you know. and if i get it then it’ll be announced during my senior year in the spring or whatever. but if you’re too busy and everything i understand. just thought that i’d ask. well g2g. talk to you later. -ash 🙂
i’m glad to hear you’re back safe and sound. i can’t wait to read your LJ-cut entry:-)! i just wanted to ask you something. see, i received a note about a special scholarship that only 12-15 legally blind students can get per year. you can read the details in my LJ. it’s the Jewish Guild Scholarship, i think. their website is
. but anyway i need 3 letters of reccomendation and i know you’re busy and all that but i was wondering if you wouldn’t mind writing me one? please? i don’t know all the details (like when it’s due and everything) yet, but i’ll let you know. and if i get it then it’ll be announced during my senior year in the spring or whatever. but if you’re too busy and everything i understand. just thought that i’d ask. well g2g. talk to you later. -ash 🙂
i’m glad to hear you’re back safe and sound. i can’t wait to read your LJ-cut entry:-)! i just wanted to ask you something. see, i received a note about a special scholarship that only 12-15 legally blind students can get per year. you can read the details in my LJ. it’s the Jewish Guild Scholarship, i think. their website is
. but anyway i need 3 letters of reccomendation and i know you’re busy and all that but i was wondering if you wouldn’t mind writing me one? please? i don’t know all the details (like when it’s due and everything) yet, but i’ll let you know. and if i get it then it’ll be announced during my senior year in the spring or whatever. but if you’re too busy and everything i understand. just thought that i’d ask. well g2g. talk to you later. -ash 🙂
Congratulations! And I look forward to seeing the picture from Florida. (and the lj cut, you’ve got me very curious!)
Congratulations! And I look forward to seeing the picture from Florida. (and the lj cut, you’ve got me very curious!)
Congratulations! And I look forward to seeing the picture from Florida. (and the lj cut, you’ve got me very curious!)
Welcome home to you and yours. Glad you all made it back safely.
I taped SPEAK and plan to watch it this weekend! I can’t wait! 🙂
Welcome home to you and yours. Glad you all made it back safely.
I taped SPEAK and plan to watch it this weekend! I can’t wait! 🙂
Welcome home to you and yours. Glad you all made it back safely.
I taped SPEAK and plan to watch it this weekend! I can’t wait! 🙂
I love your book, Fever 1793. It was awesome. Please make a sequel. Seriously, I just finished it like 5 minutes ago.
I love your book, Fever 1793. It was awesome. Please make a sequel. Seriously, I just finished it like 5 minutes ago.
I love your book, Fever 1793. It was awesome. Please make a sequel. Seriously, I just finished it like 5 minutes ago.
And I think I missed the movie again… oops!
And I think I missed the movie again… oops!
And I think I missed the movie again… oops!
I waited on a customer today who was buying half a dozen teen fiction books. One of them was Catalyst, so I asked if she’d read Speak and seen the film. She said that they read it as a group and she taped the movie for them.:) She also told me she was doing a unit with girls with eating disorders and I recommended half a dozen MORE books . . . which I then rounded up for her!
I waited on a customer today who was buying half a dozen teen fiction books. One of them was Catalyst, so I asked if she’d read Speak and seen the film. She said that they read it as a group and she taped the movie for them.:) She also told me she was doing a unit with girls with eating disorders and I recommended half a dozen MORE books . . . which I then rounded up for her!
I waited on a customer today who was buying half a dozen teen fiction books. One of them was Catalyst, so I asked if she’d read Speak and seen the film. She said that they read it as a group and she taped the movie for them.:) She also told me she was doing a unit with girls with eating disorders and I recommended half a dozen MORE books . . . which I then rounded up for her!
Welcome home. I hope everything went well with the move.
Welcome home. I hope everything went well with the move.
Welcome home. I hope everything went well with the move.