So here’s something most of you don’t know about me – my hair started turning white when I was 18. “No big deal,” I thought. “Crazy stray hairs. I’ll just pluck them out.”
That stopped when I started resembling a half-plucked chicken. I reached for the bottle, the hair dye bottle.
I color my hair because if you are 18, or 26 or 34 or even 44 (almost, my birthday is a few months) you might not want white hair. However, dying my hair is expensive and a pain, so sometimes I let it go too long and then I have this thick white stripe running along my part and my children won’t be seen with me in public, and my husband tactfully suggests hats.
Have you read SPEAK? Find the description of Hairwoman. Yep, that’s my hair, folks. Whenever life hands you trauma, stick it in a book.
So anyways all of this backstory is to explain that I took a Giant Step yesterday. I went to my new hairdresser. This is a scary thing for a woman of a certain age and I was petrified. But it turned out great and now small children don’t run away screaming when they see me in public.
The reason, of course, for this beautification is my TV appearance tomorrow. I’ll be on “Bridge Street with Rick and Julie”, channel 9 in Syracuse, tomorrow morning. We will be taping at the State Fair – NewsChannel 9 Media Center on Chevrolet Court, to be precise. Do you know who else might make a surprise appearance? Katrina, formerly known as Hurricane Katrina!
I sure hope that Media Center is under a big roof. If it isn’t, you can tune in tomorrow and watch me do my drowned rat imitation. A drowned rat with very nice hair, I might add.
Made my writing goal yesterday and have a good chance of making it today. The story has turned darker but my Main Character still cracks me up. I love it when the writing is flowing and a character does or says something that makes me laugh out loud as I type it. All is right with the world when that happens.
You know, as much as I move, I never mind much finding a new doctor and dentist. What terrifies me most is finding a new hairdresser! I have the perfect one now – she’s been cutting (and coloring) my hair for almost four years. I love her. She knows me, what I like, and she also makes suggestions. How will I ever find a good hairdresser in China? ACKK! I hope I find one that caters to American woman…AND she speaks English. Is that asking too much? 😉
Good luck with your TV appearance! You brave soul! 🙂 What fun!
And YAY for your WIP! Go Laurie Go!
You know, as much as I move, I never mind much finding a new doctor and dentist. What terrifies me most is finding a new hairdresser! I have the perfect one now – she’s been cutting (and coloring) my hair for almost four years. I love her. She knows me, what I like, and she also makes suggestions. How will I ever find a good hairdresser in China? ACKK! I hope I find one that caters to American woman…AND she speaks English. Is that asking too much? 😉
Good luck with your TV appearance! You brave soul! 🙂 What fun!
And YAY for your WIP! Go Laurie Go!
You know, as much as I move, I never mind much finding a new doctor and dentist. What terrifies me most is finding a new hairdresser! I have the perfect one now – she’s been cutting (and coloring) my hair for almost four years. I love her. She knows me, what I like, and she also makes suggestions. How will I ever find a good hairdresser in China? ACKK! I hope I find one that caters to American woman…AND she speaks English. Is that asking too much? 😉
Good luck with your TV appearance! You brave soul! 🙂 What fun!
And YAY for your WIP! Go Laurie Go!
was this the first time someone else had done your hair?
was this the first time someone else had done your hair?
was this the first time someone else had done your hair?
No, thank goodness. I did it myself in the ’80s…. and always looked like that woman you stare at in the grocery store and whisper “Her hair looks terrible. Why doesn’t she just suck it up and pay a professional?”
So now I do. I bow with gratitude to the skilled hair stylists of the world.
No, thank goodness. I did it myself in the ’80s…. and always looked like that woman you stare at in the grocery store and whisper “Her hair looks terrible. Why doesn’t she just suck it up and pay a professional?”
So now I do. I bow with gratitude to the skilled hair stylists of the world.
No, thank goodness. I did it myself in the ’80s…. and always looked like that woman you stare at in the grocery store and whisper “Her hair looks terrible. Why doesn’t she just suck it up and pay a professional?”
So now I do. I bow with gratitude to the skilled hair stylists of the world.
Someone I know is about 15 and has gray hair. He’s had gray hair since he was 14. One word: STRESS.
What about you? Is it a hereditary thing, or is it stress?
Someone I know is about 15 and has gray hair. He’s had gray hair since he was 14. One word: STRESS.
What about you? Is it a hereditary thing, or is it stress?
Someone I know is about 15 and has gray hair. He’s had gray hair since he was 14. One word: STRESS.
What about you? Is it a hereditary thing, or is it stress?
I’d like to say stress, but the truth is it’s hereditary.
But wait – this is a great opportunity! I’ll have to dream up a story that explains my gray hair (which, BTW, is white, not gray)!
My favorite quote from the movie State & Main: “It’s not a lie. It’s a gift for fiction.”
I’d like to say stress, but the truth is it’s hereditary.
But wait – this is a great opportunity! I’ll have to dream up a story that explains my gray hair (which, BTW, is white, not gray)!
My favorite quote from the movie State & Main: “It’s not a lie. It’s a gift for fiction.”
I’d like to say stress, but the truth is it’s hereditary.
But wait – this is a great opportunity! I’ll have to dream up a story that explains my gray hair (which, BTW, is white, not gray)!
My favorite quote from the movie State & Main: “It’s not a lie. It’s a gift for fiction.”
Oh, I feel your pain. I started going white around then, too. I’m behind on a dye job (I do it myself, because I’m cheap like that) and there are all these silver strands running through the front of my hair. AND I haven’t had my eyebrows waxed in weeks, so I double suck. 🙂
Oh, I feel your pain. I started going white around then, too. I’m behind on a dye job (I do it myself, because I’m cheap like that) and there are all these silver strands running through the front of my hair. AND I haven’t had my eyebrows waxed in weeks, so I double suck. 🙂
Oh, I feel your pain. I started going white around then, too. I’m behind on a dye job (I do it myself, because I’m cheap like that) and there are all these silver strands running through the front of my hair. AND I haven’t had my eyebrows waxed in weeks, so I double suck. 🙂
Oooooohhhhhh….. I’m so sorry.
Sending you waxing and dying vibes!
Oooooohhhhhh….. I’m so sorry.
Sending you waxing and dying vibes!
Oooooohhhhhh….. I’m so sorry.
Sending you waxing and dying vibes!
I would die.
Live TV?
Just … no.
It’s ironic that writing is such a solitary endeavor … but if you’re really successful at it, you have to go out and excel at public speaking!
I would die.
Live TV?
Just … no.
It’s ironic that writing is such a solitary endeavor … but if you’re really successful at it, you have to go out and excel at public speaking!
I would die.
Live TV?
Just … no.
It’s ironic that writing is such a solitary endeavor … but if you’re really successful at it, you have to go out and excel at public speaking!
A friend of mine has a giant streak of white hair in the back. It’s mostly covered by other hair, so she leaves it alone. She thinks it’s pretty funny 🙂
Xena the Warrior Princess on your icon… the actress escaped Katrina, I just read:
A friend of mine has a giant streak of white hair in the back. It’s mostly covered by other hair, so she leaves it alone. She thinks it’s pretty funny 🙂
Xena the Warrior Princess on your icon… the actress escaped Katrina, I just read:
A friend of mine has a giant streak of white hair in the back. It’s mostly covered by other hair, so she leaves it alone. She thinks it’s pretty funny 🙂
Xena the Warrior Princess on your icon… the actress escaped Katrina, I just read:
Mine began turning when I was 12
Now that I’m nearly 40, I’m looking for a way to color it so I get a few small streaks of white.
Mine began turning when I was 12
Now that I’m nearly 40, I’m looking for a way to color it so I get a few small streaks of white.
Mine began turning when I was 12
Now that I’m nearly 40, I’m looking for a way to color it so I get a few small streaks of white.
can’t think of a subject. uhhh.
About the hair, you could make believe you’re one of those natural, hippie, boho celebs and make your “skunk-striped” hair the new look whie on live tv.
“It’s not a lie. It’s a gift for fiction.”
This should come in handy when I take Creative Writting and don’t feel like revealing my ‘true emotions’ and ‘deepest thoughts’ to a teacher iv’e know for two months. A sincere thanks.
can’t think of a subject. uhhh.
About the hair, you could make believe you’re one of those natural, hippie, boho celebs and make your “skunk-striped” hair the new look whie on live tv.
“It’s not a lie. It’s a gift for fiction.”
This should come in handy when I take Creative Writting and don’t feel like revealing my ‘true emotions’ and ‘deepest thoughts’ to a teacher iv’e know for two months. A sincere thanks.
can’t think of a subject. uhhh.
About the hair, you could make believe you’re one of those natural, hippie, boho celebs and make your “skunk-striped” hair the new look whie on live tv.
“It’s not a lie. It’s a gift for fiction.”
This should come in handy when I take Creative Writting and don’t feel like revealing my ‘true emotions’ and ‘deepest thoughts’ to a teacher iv’e know for two months. A sincere thanks.
LOL. “a drowned rat with very nice hair i might add.” laurie you’re so funny:-)! i hope you’ll be safe and that hurricane katrina won’t visit you:-(! good luck tomorrow on the interview:-)! i wish i could come to the state fair and be a part of the studio audience and talk to you and stuff, but sadly i have never skipped school in my life and am not able to drive by myself:-(. and tomorrow’s only the third day of school:-(. how long till thanksgiving?!:-( argh:-(! sry to complain and all that. i’m just stressing out about everything:-(. i’ll be sending good/positive energy your way for the interview tomorrow:-)! again good luck (or should i say “break a leg?”)! LOL. -ashley 🙂
LOL. “a drowned rat with very nice hair i might add.” laurie you’re so funny:-)! i hope you’ll be safe and that hurricane katrina won’t visit you:-(! good luck tomorrow on the interview:-)! i wish i could come to the state fair and be a part of the studio audience and talk to you and stuff, but sadly i have never skipped school in my life and am not able to drive by myself:-(. and tomorrow’s only the third day of school:-(. how long till thanksgiving?!:-( argh:-(! sry to complain and all that. i’m just stressing out about everything:-(. i’ll be sending good/positive energy your way for the interview tomorrow:-)! again good luck (or should i say “break a leg?”)! LOL. -ashley 🙂
LOL. “a drowned rat with very nice hair i might add.” laurie you’re so funny:-)! i hope you’ll be safe and that hurricane katrina won’t visit you:-(! good luck tomorrow on the interview:-)! i wish i could come to the state fair and be a part of the studio audience and talk to you and stuff, but sadly i have never skipped school in my life and am not able to drive by myself:-(. and tomorrow’s only the third day of school:-(. how long till thanksgiving?!:-( argh:-(! sry to complain and all that. i’m just stressing out about everything:-(. i’ll be sending good/positive energy your way for the interview tomorrow:-)! again good luck (or should i say “break a leg?”)! LOL. -ashley 🙂
one more thing
hey “drowned rat with very nice hair” my advice is take an umbrella:-)! LOL. break a leg tomorrow:-)! we’re supposed to get lots of rain tomorrow but that’s it:-). -ash 🙂
one more thing
hey “drowned rat with very nice hair” my advice is take an umbrella:-)! LOL. break a leg tomorrow:-)! we’re supposed to get lots of rain tomorrow but that’s it:-). -ash 🙂
one more thing
hey “drowned rat with very nice hair” my advice is take an umbrella:-)! LOL. break a leg tomorrow:-)! we’re supposed to get lots of rain tomorrow but that’s it:-). -ash 🙂
“I sure hope that Media Center is under a big roof. If it isn’t, you can tune in tomorrow and watch me do my drowned rat imitation. A drowned rat with very nice hair, I might add.”
Hehehe…They do have a building to broadcast from if the weather is bad there. I’m bummed that I can’t watch it cuz I’m in Rochester, but I hope the parents tape it. Have fun and stay dry!
~little Quirk
“I sure hope that Media Center is under a big roof. If it isn’t, you can tune in tomorrow and watch me do my drowned rat imitation. A drowned rat with very nice hair, I might add.”
Hehehe…They do have a building to broadcast from if the weather is bad there. I’m bummed that I can’t watch it cuz I’m in Rochester, but I hope the parents tape it. Have fun and stay dry!
~little Quirk
add me please. i adore your work.
add me please. i adore your work.
add me please. i adore your work.