Ah, the stupid little things that make us smile. My office is slowly coming together. Last night my BH hung the fancy-pants organization board I bought. Thing weighs a ton, but he assures me it will not rip a giant hole in the wall and cause the building to fall down. (He built the house so he should know.)
I have a lot of projects going on right now, and I start travelling again in October, so it is a relief to have the board up. I live in mortal fear of getting a phone call and the person says on the other line “Um, we’re expecting you to give the keynote speech to the Big Teacher Conference in Faraway State, ah, in ten minutes. Any chance you could make it?” Or an editor will call and say I book I had totally forgotten about is six months overdue.
My board will make sure that doesn’t happen.
The other day I stumbled across the fact that Thomas Jefferson kept a couple of organizational aids too (scroll down to the middle of the page).
I could rant for many more paragraphs about all my little organizational gadgets, but then I wouldn’t meet today’s writing goal, and my family would roll their eyes because they are all SICK AND TIRED of me and my crazy calendar lust. So I am creeping back to work now.
Wishing you all an organized and well-annotated day.
Organization Tool Lust
I love organizing gadgets and doodads! I’m intrigued by your board. Any chance you’ll show us a pic? 🙂
I just started a notebook for our upcoming move to keep track of all the people Bob and I need to communicate with, lists of things I have to do, a daily check off list, and a page for each utility, company, magazine,etc. I need to either cancel or file a change of address with. I think I need a pretty file folder or two….
Organization Tool Lust
I love organizing gadgets and doodads! I’m intrigued by your board. Any chance you’ll show us a pic? 🙂
I just started a notebook for our upcoming move to keep track of all the people Bob and I need to communicate with, lists of things I have to do, a daily check off list, and a page for each utility, company, magazine,etc. I need to either cancel or file a change of address with. I think I need a pretty file folder or two….
Organization Tool Lust
I love organizing gadgets and doodads! I’m intrigued by your board. Any chance you’ll show us a pic? 🙂
I just started a notebook for our upcoming move to keep track of all the people Bob and I need to communicate with, lists of things I have to do, a daily check off list, and a page for each utility, company, magazine,etc. I need to either cancel or file a change of address with. I think I need a pretty file folder or two….
Re: Organization Tool Lust
In a couple hours I should have it nicely filled and I’ll try to take a pic. We aren’t finished with the office lighting yet, so I’m not sure how well that corner will show up.
Now I will go start the lighting to-do list….
In your Moving Notebook, be sure to write down your account numbers on the various pages for utilities, magazines, etc. And pretty file folders are definately called for!!
Re: Organization Tool Lust
In a couple hours I should have it nicely filled and I’ll try to take a pic. We aren’t finished with the office lighting yet, so I’m not sure how well that corner will show up.
Now I will go start the lighting to-do list….
In your Moving Notebook, be sure to write down your account numbers on the various pages for utilities, magazines, etc. And pretty file folders are definately called for!!
Re: Organization Tool Lust
In a couple hours I should have it nicely filled and I’ll try to take a pic. We aren’t finished with the office lighting yet, so I’m not sure how well that corner will show up.
Now I will go start the lighting to-do list….
In your Moving Notebook, be sure to write down your account numbers on the various pages for utilities, magazines, etc. And pretty file folders are definately called for!!
Re: Organization Tool Lust
write down your account numbers on the various pages for utilities, magazines, etc.
Ah yes! And also the date and the name of the person you spoke to (unless you do it online). We could teach a class on how to move (or convince people NOT to)! 😉 Happy settling in! It’s the best part of a move!
Re: Organization Tool Lust
write down your account numbers on the various pages for utilities, magazines, etc.
Ah yes! And also the date and the name of the person you spoke to (unless you do it online). We could teach a class on how to move (or convince people NOT to)! 😉 Happy settling in! It’s the best part of a move!
Re: Organization Tool Lust
write down your account numbers on the various pages for utilities, magazines, etc.
Ah yes! And also the date and the name of the person you spoke to (unless you do it online). We could teach a class on how to move (or convince people NOT to)! 😉 Happy settling in! It’s the best part of a move!
my family would roll their eyes because they are all SICK AND TIRED of me and my crazy calendar lust.
my family would roll their eyes because they are all SICK AND TIRED of me and my crazy calendar lust.
my family would roll their eyes because they are all SICK AND TIRED of me and my crazy calendar lust.
heh heh heh
heh heh heh
heh heh heh
That sounds like a great system to me! My husband’s family still teases me about the system I used for our wedding. Since no one would sit down and talk about things, yet kept asking, “What’s the plan?” I typed up a wedding day agenda in five minute increments 🙂 and then handed each family member a sheet with that person’s responsibilities highlighted. Silly? Yes. But, it got the job done!
That sounds like a great system to me! My husband’s family still teases me about the system I used for our wedding. Since no one would sit down and talk about things, yet kept asking, “What’s the plan?” I typed up a wedding day agenda in five minute increments 🙂 and then handed each family member a sheet with that person’s responsibilities highlighted. Silly? Yes. But, it got the job done!
That sounds like a great system to me! My husband’s family still teases me about the system I used for our wedding. Since no one would sit down and talk about things, yet kept asking, “What’s the plan?” I typed up a wedding day agenda in five minute increments 🙂 and then handed each family member a sheet with that person’s responsibilities highlighted. Silly? Yes. But, it got the job done!
Worse than mere calendar lust, I now have calendar envy as well. Where’s my gigantic organizational uber-tool?
Worse than mere calendar lust, I now have calendar envy as well. Where’s my gigantic organizational uber-tool?
Worse than mere calendar lust, I now have calendar envy as well. Where’s my gigantic organizational uber-tool?
Organization is the key to success!
Though I can’t follow that advice.
Huge boards get it done though! I’m sure it’s better than that Capital One matrix thing commercial.
Anywho. Have fun settling into your new house!
Organization is the key to success!
Though I can’t follow that advice.
Huge boards get it done though! I’m sure it’s better than that Capital One matrix thing commercial.
Anywho. Have fun settling into your new house!
Organization is the key to success!
Though I can’t follow that advice.
Huge boards get it done though! I’m sure it’s better than that Capital One matrix thing commercial.
Anywho. Have fun settling into your new house!
About a year ago I decided to consolidate my bricolage of post-it notes, tiny notebooks, huge calendar notebooks, post-it notes inside calendar notebooks, address books, address emails, address files, etc. into a PDA. I wake it up in the morning and it greets me with a little happy-smiley face, the day’s calendar including appointments and birthdays, and the list of tasks due today. It’s heavenly.
About a year ago I decided to consolidate my bricolage of post-it notes, tiny notebooks, huge calendar notebooks, post-it notes inside calendar notebooks, address books, address emails, address files, etc. into a PDA. I wake it up in the morning and it greets me with a little happy-smiley face, the day’s calendar including appointments and birthdays, and the list of tasks due today. It’s heavenly.
About a year ago I decided to consolidate my bricolage of post-it notes, tiny notebooks, huge calendar notebooks, post-it notes inside calendar notebooks, address books, address emails, address files, etc. into a PDA. I wake it up in the morning and it greets me with a little happy-smiley face, the day’s calendar including appointments and birthdays, and the list of tasks due today. It’s heavenly.