My Top Ten Reasons To Move North To the Country (aside from the gushy romantic stuff mentioned in yesterday’s post):
10. Life is slower and people are nicer up there.
9. Cheese curds.
8. Clean air.
7. You can see a million stars at night.
6. Cows.
5. I love snow.
4. Coyotes, wild turkey, and foxes… in the back yard.
3. Lake Ontario.
2. Peace and quiet makes it easier to write.
1. It’s home.
Mer emptied out her room last night (thanks for the help, Michael!). Today I have to pack the dishes and return library books. Once that’s done, I’ll be ready to go. I’m giving myself until Tuesday to unpack everything and settle in, then I must dive back into the writing of my next book. I figured out what was bugging me about the plot and am psyched about fixing it. I would love to have a draft to show my editor by the end of August.
Much of the publishing world takes the month of August off, which is rather civilized, if you think about it. I am taking a two-week break from this journal (I think). I love writing here and corresponding with all of youse, so I might not be able to stay away. But don’t panic if I don’t post between now and August 15th.
Now go outside and play!
Cheese Curds
I never heard of cheese curds until I met Bob! LOL Yummy! Too bad i can’t have cheese anymore. 🙁
Enjoy your move back home. 🙂 And I’m sending you bunches of writing cheers! RAH RAH RAH!
Cheese Curds
I never heard of cheese curds until I met Bob! LOL Yummy! Too bad i can’t have cheese anymore. 🙁
Enjoy your move back home. 🙂 And I’m sending you bunches of writing cheers! RAH RAH RAH!
Cheese Curds
I never heard of cheese curds until I met Bob! LOL Yummy! Too bad i can’t have cheese anymore. 🙁
Enjoy your move back home. 🙂 And I’m sending you bunches of writing cheers! RAH RAH RAH!
“10. Life is slower and people are nicer up there.
9. Cheese curds.
8. Clean air.
7. You can see a million stars at night.
6. Cows.
5. I love snow.
4. Coyotes, wild turkey, and foxes… in the back yard.
3. Lake Ontario.
2. Peace and quiet makes it easier to write.
1. It’s home.”
Haha, I agree with it all… I love it here in Oswego… especially living so close to the lake, out in the countryish part of town, with not many people around. It’s wonderful.
“10. Life is slower and people are nicer up there.
9. Cheese curds.
8. Clean air.
7. You can see a million stars at night.
6. Cows.
5. I love snow.
4. Coyotes, wild turkey, and foxes… in the back yard.
3. Lake Ontario.
2. Peace and quiet makes it easier to write.
1. It’s home.”
Haha, I agree with it all… I love it here in Oswego… especially living so close to the lake, out in the countryish part of town, with not many people around. It’s wonderful.
“10. Life is slower and people are nicer up there.
9. Cheese curds.
8. Clean air.
7. You can see a million stars at night.
6. Cows.
5. I love snow.
4. Coyotes, wild turkey, and foxes… in the back yard.
3. Lake Ontario.
2. Peace and quiet makes it easier to write.
1. It’s home.”
Haha, I agree with it all… I love it here in Oswego… especially living so close to the lake, out in the countryish part of town, with not many people around. It’s wonderful.
At Wegmans you can get hot buffalo cheese curds. Jared loves them.
Also, can I have a big pot (ideal for making spaghetti or a mess of vegetables or mashed potatoes)?
At Wegmans you can get hot buffalo cheese curds. Jared loves them.
Also, can I have a big pot (ideal for making spaghetti or a mess of vegetables or mashed potatoes)?
At Wegmans you can get hot buffalo cheese curds. Jared loves them.
Also, can I have a big pot (ideal for making spaghetti or a mess of vegetables or mashed potatoes)?
cheese curds, interesting.
nothing beats 10,8,7,2,& 1.
Have fun moving and getting settled in. Good luck with the writing, were all rooting for you 😉
See ya when you get “back”! ♥ alison
cheese curds, interesting.
nothing beats 10,8,7,2,& 1.
Have fun moving and getting settled in. Good luck with the writing, were all rooting for you 😉
See ya when you get “back”! ♥ alison
cheese curds, interesting.
nothing beats 10,8,7,2,& 1.
Have fun moving and getting settled in. Good luck with the writing, were all rooting for you 😉
See ya when you get “back”! ♥ alison
I love cheese curds. The folks who first introduce me to them used to call it Squeaky Cheese.
I love cheese curds. The folks who first introduce me to them used to call it Squeaky Cheese.
I love cheese curds. The folks who first introduce me to them used to call it Squeaky Cheese.
I have an uncle who visits every summer and takes home a cooler of cheese curds. I’m gonna miss you updating every morning! Have fun, be safe and good luck. And try to stay cool in this ridiculously hot summer.
I have an uncle who visits every summer and takes home a cooler of cheese curds. I’m gonna miss you updating every morning! Have fun, be safe and good luck. And try to stay cool in this ridiculously hot summer.
I have an uncle who visits every summer and takes home a cooler of cheese curds. I’m gonna miss you updating every morning! Have fun, be safe and good luck. And try to stay cool in this ridiculously hot summer.
Have a safe trip
I’m a cheese curd lover too. Though this far North they tend to be white cheese curds from Quebec rather than the orange ones you tend to get down south. Both are good.
Have a safe trip
I’m a cheese curd lover too. Though this far North they tend to be white cheese curds from Quebec rather than the orange ones you tend to get down south. Both are good.
Have a safe trip
I’m a cheese curd lover too. Though this far North they tend to be white cheese curds from Quebec rather than the orange ones you tend to get down south. Both are good.
Re: Have a safe trip
I’ve never seen the orange ones. I’m a white curd girl, myself.
Re: Have a safe trip
I’ve never seen the orange ones. I’m a white curd girl, myself.
Re: Have a safe trip
I’ve never seen the orange ones. I’m a white curd girl, myself.
Re: Have a safe trip
White curds are the best, especially fresh. Orange ones are kind of dry or something.
Re: Have a safe trip
White curds are the best, especially fresh. Orange ones are kind of dry or something.
Re: Have a safe trip
White curds are the best, especially fresh. Orange ones are kind of dry or something.
and they have good art entertainment stuff up north too! especially lots of the world’s top orchestras. and i agree with all 10 points 🙂
and they have good art entertainment stuff up north too! especially lots of the world’s top orchestras. and i agree with all 10 points 🙂
and they have good art entertainment stuff up north too! especially lots of the world’s top orchestras. and i agree with all 10 points 🙂
Hot buffalo cheese curds??!!! OMG – must try these!
The pots are already up North. You can have your pick when you come up.
Hot buffalo cheese curds??!!! OMG – must try these!
The pots are already up North. You can have your pick when you come up.
Hot buffalo cheese curds??!!! OMG – must try these!
The pots are already up North. You can have your pick when you come up.
Welcome to Central New York (again)!!!
Welcome to Central New York (again)!!!
Welcome to Central New York (again)!!!
beacuse they squeak when you chew them!!
beacuse they squeak when you chew them!!
beacuse they squeak when you chew them!!
good luck
i hope moving goes well for you. i’ll miss your posts and can’t wait for you to post again:-). i found an interesting article online. the link’s on my LJ. i have no idea if you’ll be able to get to it or not. but anyway it’s about a legally blind woman that published a book. her name’s lauren rodrigez and the book’s called “finding her courage”. have you heard of it? i’m definitely getting it! -ashley 🙂
good luck
i hope moving goes well for you. i’ll miss your posts and can’t wait for you to post again:-). i found an interesting article online. the link’s on my LJ. i have no idea if you’ll be able to get to it or not. but anyway it’s about a legally blind woman that published a book. her name’s lauren rodrigez and the book’s called “finding her courage”. have you heard of it? i’m definitely getting it! -ashley 🙂
good luck
i hope moving goes well for you. i’ll miss your posts and can’t wait for you to post again:-). i found an interesting article online. the link’s on my LJ. i have no idea if you’ll be able to get to it or not. but anyway it’s about a legally blind woman that published a book. her name’s lauren rodrigez and the book’s called “finding her courage”. have you heard of it? i’m definitely getting it! -ashley 🙂
I feel rather silly writing this but I am a 31 year old Kids bookseller at Barnes and Noble in RI and I just wanted to say to you that SPEAK is probobly my favorite teen book. I recommend it all the time and in fact, it has been my STAFF REC quite a few times.I tend to like works of fiction that deal with the real life matters of school life, that noone wants to discuss. Working in the kids dept. I of course, tend, or at least TRY to read a lot of the new titles that come out over the years, so that I can give a better recommendation to my customers. My passion lies in Picture Books and Teen Books. SPEAK, LUNA by Peters, BLUE IS FOR NIGHTMARES by Stolarz and STARGIRL by Spinelli are a few of the ones that I highly recommend. Thank you for producing such wonderful literature that actually gets these kids READING! Oh, and that of course keeps ME on my toes as well!
Barnes and Noble
I feel rather silly writing this but I am a 31 year old Kids bookseller at Barnes and Noble in RI and I just wanted to say to you that SPEAK is probobly my favorite teen book. I recommend it all the time and in fact, it has been my STAFF REC quite a few times.I tend to like works of fiction that deal with the real life matters of school life, that noone wants to discuss. Working in the kids dept. I of course, tend, or at least TRY to read a lot of the new titles that come out over the years, so that I can give a better recommendation to my customers. My passion lies in Picture Books and Teen Books. SPEAK, LUNA by Peters, BLUE IS FOR NIGHTMARES by Stolarz and STARGIRL by Spinelli are a few of the ones that I highly recommend. Thank you for producing such wonderful literature that actually gets these kids READING! Oh, and that of course keeps ME on my toes as well!
Barnes and Noble
I feel rather silly writing this but I am a 31 year old Kids bookseller at Barnes and Noble in RI and I just wanted to say to you that SPEAK is probobly my favorite teen book. I recommend it all the time and in fact, it has been my STAFF REC quite a few times.I tend to like works of fiction that deal with the real life matters of school life, that noone wants to discuss. Working in the kids dept. I of course, tend, or at least TRY to read a lot of the new titles that come out over the years, so that I can give a better recommendation to my customers. My passion lies in Picture Books and Teen Books. SPEAK, LUNA by Peters, BLUE IS FOR NIGHTMARES by Stolarz and STARGIRL by Spinelli are a few of the ones that I highly recommend. Thank you for producing such wonderful literature that actually gets these kids READING! Oh, and that of course keeps ME on my toes as well!
Barnes and Noble
Thank you and keep up the great job!
Thank you and keep up the great job!
Thank you and keep up the great job!
Male Character
Hello LHA,
My name is Ryan, and I am an adolescence education English major at Suny Oswego. I grew up in Oswego, NY, and love the peace and quiet as well. Trust me, it’s nice to grab a good book, get a beach towel, and maybe a nice cold drink, and relax by Lake Ontario. Obviously, I would not recommend this during the months of October, November, December, January, February, and March, but hey, that’s what they make fireplaces for.
I wanted to just say that during the many hours I have spent in the classroom, my students can’t say enough about your books! I am student teaching this fall at Henninger High School in Syracuse, NY. Because their school district is not wealthy, I have made sure my students have some exposure to your books. Reading to your students is not just a thing for elementary students. Middle and High School students will listen attentively if the book catches their interest. For some reason, they always want to listen to Laurie Halse Anderson.
I just finished reading PROM, and I LOVED IT! I can’t wait to see what your next book has in store. I heard rumors from a certain BOOK STORE OWNER that you may be writing a MALE main character in your next book. Well, if you ever need to look inside a guy’s brain, there are plenty of us who would LOVE to help you.
Well, Harborfest awaits. It’s too bad you weren’t going to be here for the wonderful fireworks by Grucci. Just think…next year, you will be just a short drive away!
Male Character
Hello LHA,
My name is Ryan, and I am an adolescence education English major at Suny Oswego. I grew up in Oswego, NY, and love the peace and quiet as well. Trust me, it’s nice to grab a good book, get a beach towel, and maybe a nice cold drink, and relax by Lake Ontario. Obviously, I would not recommend this during the months of October, November, December, January, February, and March, but hey, that’s what they make fireplaces for.
I wanted to just say that during the many hours I have spent in the classroom, my students can’t say enough about your books! I am student teaching this fall at Henninger High School in Syracuse, NY. Because their school district is not wealthy, I have made sure my students have some exposure to your books. Reading to your students is not just a thing for elementary students. Middle and High School students will listen attentively if the book catches their interest. For some reason, they always want to listen to Laurie Halse Anderson.
I just finished reading PROM, and I LOVED IT! I can’t wait to see what your next book has in store. I heard rumors from a certain BOOK STORE OWNER that you may be writing a MALE main character in your next book. Well, if you ever need to look inside a guy’s brain, there are plenty of us who would LOVE to help you.
Well, Harborfest awaits. It’s too bad you weren’t going to be here for the wonderful fireworks by Grucci. Just think…next year, you will be just a short drive away!
Male Character
Hello LHA,
My name is Ryan, and I am an adolescence education English major at Suny Oswego. I grew up in Oswego, NY, and love the peace and quiet as well. Trust me, it’s nice to grab a good book, get a beach towel, and maybe a nice cold drink, and relax by Lake Ontario. Obviously, I would not recommend this during the months of October, November, December, January, February, and March, but hey, that’s what they make fireplaces for.
I wanted to just say that during the many hours I have spent in the classroom, my students can’t say enough about your books! I am student teaching this fall at Henninger High School in Syracuse, NY. Because their school district is not wealthy, I have made sure my students have some exposure to your books. Reading to your students is not just a thing for elementary students. Middle and High School students will listen attentively if the book catches their interest. For some reason, they always want to listen to Laurie Halse Anderson.
I just finished reading PROM, and I LOVED IT! I can’t wait to see what your next book has in store. I heard rumors from a certain BOOK STORE OWNER that you may be writing a MALE main character in your next book. Well, if you ever need to look inside a guy’s brain, there are plenty of us who would LOVE to help you.
Well, Harborfest awaits. It’s too bad you weren’t going to be here for the wonderful fireworks by Grucci. Just think…next year, you will be just a short drive away!
I Remember You!
Met you years ago in LA at the Plaza. Was pleasantly surprized to find your blog. Darling blog. :))
Good luck and blessings on your move!
I Remember You!
Met you years ago in LA at the Plaza. Was pleasantly surprized to find your blog. Darling blog. :))
Good luck and blessings on your move!
I Remember You!
Met you years ago in LA at the Plaza. Was pleasantly surprized to find your blog. Darling blog. :))
Good luck and blessings on your move!
Back to Speak
Hi Laurie,
I’ve read and enjoyed all your ya novels—I’m the one who wrote the Prom review in the Des Moines Register—and we met at the SCBWI conference in 2000 when Speak won the Golden Kite. Anyway, I just wanted to let you know that I just finished Speak for the second time and am completely awe-struck. I read it when it first came out, and loved it, but had forgotten so many special things about it. What a great character and voice! I’m working on my critical thesis (blech) for my MFA in writing for kids and young adults and my cheery topic is rape in ya literature. I’m using Speak as one of my books…there are so many things you do incredibly well in that book, especially when I compare it to some clunkers I’ve also read for the thesis. Just wanted to congratulate you again on Speak…I really think it will hold up for decades to come and will be a true classic. So well done. (I’m writhing with jealousy over the character development, pace, plot, and THAT VOICE!) Sorry for gushing…
Hope your move goes well and that you’re able to take a break, have fun and get some rest. I’m a big cheese curd lover, too. Orange or white, I don’t care.
best wishes,
Back to Speak
Hi Laurie,
I’ve read and enjoyed all your ya novels—I’m the one who wrote the Prom review in the Des Moines Register—and we met at the SCBWI conference in 2000 when Speak won the Golden Kite. Anyway, I just wanted to let you know that I just finished Speak for the second time and am completely awe-struck. I read it when it first came out, and loved it, but had forgotten so many special things about it. What a great character and voice! I’m working on my critical thesis (blech) for my MFA in writing for kids and young adults and my cheery topic is rape in ya literature. I’m using Speak as one of my books…there are so many things you do incredibly well in that book, especially when I compare it to some clunkers I’ve also read for the thesis. Just wanted to congratulate you again on Speak…I really think it will hold up for decades to come and will be a true classic. So well done. (I’m writhing with jealousy over the character development, pace, plot, and THAT VOICE!) Sorry for gushing…
Hope your move goes well and that you’re able to take a break, have fun and get some rest. I’m a big cheese curd lover, too. Orange or white, I don’t care.
best wishes,
Back to Speak
Hi Laurie,
I’ve read and enjoyed all your ya novels—I’m the one who wrote the Prom review in the Des Moines Register—and we met at the SCBWI conference in 2000 when Speak won the Golden Kite. Anyway, I just wanted to let you know that I just finished Speak for the second time and am completely awe-struck. I read it when it first came out, and loved it, but had forgotten so many special things about it. What a great character and voice! I’m working on my critical thesis (blech) for my MFA in writing for kids and young adults and my cheery topic is rape in ya literature. I’m using Speak as one of my books…there are so many things you do incredibly well in that book, especially when I compare it to some clunkers I’ve also read for the thesis. Just wanted to congratulate you again on Speak…I really think it will hold up for decades to come and will be a true classic. So well done. (I’m writhing with jealousy over the character development, pace, plot, and THAT VOICE!) Sorry for gushing…
Hope your move goes well and that you’re able to take a break, have fun and get some rest. I’m a big cheese curd lover, too. Orange or white, I don’t care.
best wishes,
sorry i haven’t had the time to write in a long time let alone read your journals. but i’m all caught up to date. i can’t wait for speak i am super excited!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i went to the harry potter party here in council bluffs iowa it but was really weird and cute seeing all the people dressed up and excited.congrat. on your move i am happy you have found the good in it.
-Emily G
sorry i haven’t had the time to write in a long time let alone read your journals. but i’m all caught up to date. i can’t wait for speak i am super excited!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i went to the harry potter party here in council bluffs iowa it but was really weird and cute seeing all the people dressed up and excited.congrat. on your move i am happy you have found the good in it.
-Emily G
sorry i haven’t had the time to write in a long time let alone read your journals. but i’m all caught up to date. i can’t wait for speak i am super excited!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i went to the harry potter party here in council bluffs iowa it but was really weird and cute seeing all the people dressed up and excited.congrat. on your move i am happy you have found the good in it.
-Emily G