In 8th grade I somehow wound up with a scholarship and the chance to attend Manlius Pebble Hill, a very nice private school outside Syracuse, NY. It was a great year – not at all the typical, tortured 8th grade hell most people have to live through. Anyway, our class put on The King and I. (There were maybe 30 people in our class.) My role was Tall Girl Who Stands In The Back and Says Nothing. Wendy and Philip had the lead roles, which meant, of course, that we viewed them as a couple, when nothing could have been further than the truth. Philip used to call Wendy a “Battle Axe”. I was never sure exactly what he meant by that, but it didn’t sound good. Anyway, anyway, the song in today’s subject line is in that musical and I can’t get the thing out of my head.
Another random thought: cigarettes killed Yul Brenner (who was the lead in the original King and I and a very sexy bald guy) and lots of other people. Don’t smoke. Quit.
I am rambling this morning because I had a dream in which I gave birth to a baby boy. I half-woke up and said “That’s silly. I’m not pregnant. Besides, if I just had a baby, my boobs would feel funny.” So I started to fall asleep again. And then my boobs felt funny. I leapt out of bed. Totally freaked me out.
Here is our dog, Kezzie, being afraid of Lake Ontario. (The sexy bald guy wearing the hat is Beloved Husband Scot.)
I’m back in PA for a couple days. Mer’s last, last, last band concert is tonight. (More sobbing ahead.) I stopped in Bethlehem on my way south last night and got to see where Stephanie will be living next year. She’ll be the Resident Director on South Campus at Moravian College. She has an apartment in the dorm built in 1865. Her living room looks out onto a tree that was standing when the Constitution was signed. How cool is that?
Deep Throat, the whistleblower who blew open Watergate, has identified himself. This is amazing.
June is busting out all over, all over the hills and the…?….
UGH! Now that song is in my head. Is that the same song? I remember from chorus in elementary school. How do those songs get so embedded in my brain, when I can hardly remember what I did last week? Hmmm..
And I’d like to second your warning against smoking! Tomorrow marks 14 years since my father died from smoking.
June is busting out all over, all over the hills and the…?….
UGH! Now that song is in my head. Is that the same song? I remember from chorus in elementary school. How do those songs get so embedded in my brain, when I can hardly remember what I did last week? Hmmm..
And I’d like to second your warning against smoking! Tomorrow marks 14 years since my father died from smoking.
June is busting out all over, all over the hills and the…?….
UGH! Now that song is in my head. Is that the same song? I remember from chorus in elementary school. How do those songs get so embedded in my brain, when I can hardly remember what I did last week? Hmmm..
And I’d like to second your warning against smoking! Tomorrow marks 14 years since my father died from smoking.
The boys loved that song because it let them say “bust” and shove their chests out. This made those of us who actually had a bust want to sink into the earth. Looking back, we should have started singing “Great Balls of Fire” as a comeback.
My condolences about your dad. My mom is on oxygen and it is just plain sad.
The boys loved that song because it let them say “bust” and shove their chests out. This made those of us who actually had a bust want to sink into the earth. Looking back, we should have started singing “Great Balls of Fire” as a comeback.
My condolences about your dad. My mom is on oxygen and it is just plain sad.
The boys loved that song because it let them say “bust” and shove their chests out. This made those of us who actually had a bust want to sink into the earth. Looking back, we should have started singing “Great Balls of Fire” as a comeback.
My condolences about your dad. My mom is on oxygen and it is just plain sad.
Oh, sorry to hear about your mom on oxygen. Smoking is a horrible thing, indeed.
On the flip side, not only can I not get that song out of my mind, but now I have visuals to go wit it. Gee, thanks! 😉
Oh, sorry to hear about your mom on oxygen. Smoking is a horrible thing, indeed.
On the flip side, not only can I not get that song out of my mind, but now I have visuals to go wit it. Gee, thanks! 😉
Oh, sorry to hear about your mom on oxygen. Smoking is a horrible thing, indeed.
On the flip side, not only can I not get that song out of my mind, but now I have visuals to go wit it. Gee, thanks! 😉
visuals – ha!!!!
Wendy was a really fun person. She’s one of the childhood friends I hope to look up when I move up to NY permenantly.
visuals – ha!!!!
Wendy was a really fun person. She’s one of the childhood friends I hope to look up when I move up to NY permenantly.
visuals – ha!!!!
Wendy was a really fun person. She’s one of the childhood friends I hope to look up when I move up to NY permenantly.
hey laurie! i was just reading your LJ. i’m sorry about your mother being on oxygen. my grandma was on oxygen before she passed away last year. and she didn’t want to be. i hope your mother will be okay. anyway i liked reading about the king and i. i’ve never seen it, but a friend of mine was in the chorus when her school did it. we were actually going to do the king and i last year but nobody wanted to do it/everybody said they’d drop out if we did it. so we didn’t. but our musical this year was into the woods. it was really good. and i still have the songs in my head even though the musical ended in march! argh! “into the woods it’s time to go, it may be all in vain i know.” argh! have you ever seen/heard of into the woods? it’s pretty good. the other songs i have in my head are from wicked. you’ve seen wicked right? it’s so good and it’s life-changing, IMHO. “no good deed goes unpunished. no act of charity goes unresented. no good deed goes unpunished.” oh boy now i have wicked in my head. ok. well i g2g. as always, ashley 🙂
hey laurie! i was just reading your LJ. i’m sorry about your mother being on oxygen. my grandma was on oxygen before she passed away last year. and she didn’t want to be. i hope your mother will be okay. anyway i liked reading about the king and i. i’ve never seen it, but a friend of mine was in the chorus when her school did it. we were actually going to do the king and i last year but nobody wanted to do it/everybody said they’d drop out if we did it. so we didn’t. but our musical this year was into the woods. it was really good. and i still have the songs in my head even though the musical ended in march! argh! “into the woods it’s time to go, it may be all in vain i know.” argh! have you ever seen/heard of into the woods? it’s pretty good. the other songs i have in my head are from wicked. you’ve seen wicked right? it’s so good and it’s life-changing, IMHO. “no good deed goes unpunished. no act of charity goes unresented. no good deed goes unpunished.” oh boy now i have wicked in my head. ok. well i g2g. as always, ashley 🙂
hey laurie! i was just reading your LJ. i’m sorry about your mother being on oxygen. my grandma was on oxygen before she passed away last year. and she didn’t want to be. i hope your mother will be okay. anyway i liked reading about the king and i. i’ve never seen it, but a friend of mine was in the chorus when her school did it. we were actually going to do the king and i last year but nobody wanted to do it/everybody said they’d drop out if we did it. so we didn’t. but our musical this year was into the woods. it was really good. and i still have the songs in my head even though the musical ended in march! argh! “into the woods it’s time to go, it may be all in vain i know.” argh! have you ever seen/heard of into the woods? it’s pretty good. the other songs i have in my head are from wicked. you’ve seen wicked right? it’s so good and it’s life-changing, IMHO. “no good deed goes unpunished. no act of charity goes unresented. no good deed goes unpunished.” oh boy now i have wicked in my head. ok. well i g2g. as always, ashley 🙂
Your song…
Is actually from Carousel, not King and I. They’re both Rogers and Hammerstein, though.
Your song…
Is actually from Carousel, not King and I. They’re both Rogers and Hammerstein, though.
Your song…
Is actually from Carousel, not King and I. They’re both Rogers and Hammerstein, though.
Re: Your song…
Thank you!! I knew there was something weird as I typed it…. we only did the one production that year. So how did we wind up singing that (ghastly) song???
Memory is bizarre.
Thanks again for the correction!
Re: Your song…
Thank you!! I knew there was something weird as I typed it…. we only did the one production that year. So how did we wind up singing that (ghastly) song???
Memory is bizarre.
Thanks again for the correction!
Re: Your song…
Thank you!! I knew there was something weird as I typed it…. we only did the one production that year. So how did we wind up singing that (ghastly) song???
Memory is bizarre.
Thanks again for the correction!
Picture of Kezzie and Scot
Hey Laurie! I bet I know where that picture was taken! I think I recognize the curve of the shoreline in the top of the picture! Lori 🙂
Picture of Kezzie and Scot
Hey Laurie! I bet I know where that picture was taken! I think I recognize the curve of the shoreline in the top of the picture! Lori 🙂
Picture of Kezzie and Scot
Hey Laurie! I bet I know where that picture was taken! I think I recognize the curve of the shoreline in the top of the picture! Lori 🙂
Re: Picture of Kezzie and Scot
I know where it is, too. It’s near my house. Hah.
Re: Picture of Kezzie and Scot
I know where it is, too. It’s near my house. Hah.
Re: Picture of Kezzie and Scot
I know where it is, too. It’s near my house. Hah.
Our high school did Into The Woods a couple years ago. Mer and i saw Wicked in February – I loved it!
Our high school did Into The Woods a couple years ago. Mer and i saw Wicked in February – I loved it!
Our high school did Into The Woods a couple years ago. Mer and i saw Wicked in February – I loved it!
aww what a beautiful dog..
my dog died during surgury a few months back, she was only 8.. ah i miss having one around
aww what a beautiful dog..
my dog died during surgury a few months back, she was only 8.. ah i miss having one around
aww what a beautiful dog..
my dog died during surgury a few months back, she was only 8.. ah i miss having one around
We adore her.
Dogs have a way of finding you when you need them. This is the first dog I’ve had since Canute died back in 1995. My heart goes out to you for the loss of your friend.
We adore her.
Dogs have a way of finding you when you need them. This is the first dog I’ve had since Canute died back in 1995. My heart goes out to you for the loss of your friend.
We adore her.
Dogs have a way of finding you when you need them. This is the first dog I’ve had since Canute died back in 1995. My heart goes out to you for the loss of your friend.