And then I rested!
Best news of the day, month, year: my Beloved Husband flew in late last night to remind me what he looks like. (We haven’t seen each other in three weeks.) He has to go home tomorrow morning. When he’s around, I feel like I’m 17 years old, in the best possible way. Let’s just hope all this happiness doesn’t make my face break out.
Awesome review of PROM in today’s Philadelphia Inquirer. I’m really excited about it.
More signs:
Big Brother is watching your recycling habits, LA airport.
Found in last night’s hotel. Note that they’ve grouped marching bands with circus animals. Opinions, anyone?
Syracuse won the Big East, but St. Joe’s got beat in the A10 *sigh*. Our big event of the day – watching the March Madness Tournament selection on CBS at 6pm (EST)!!!
In other thrilling basketball news, the fearless men of the Mexico High School basketball team beat Batavia last night to advance to the Section III, Class A state championship game. (Go Tigers!)
what do they think we are as loud as circus animals, or as rowdy or something?
…okay maybe we are sometimes. Love you both!
what do they think we are as loud as circus animals, or as rowdy or something?
…okay maybe we are sometimes. Love you both!
what do they think we are as loud as circus animals, or as rowdy or something?
…okay maybe we are sometimes. Love you both!
Oh I’m so happy to hear you were able to spend time with BH. 🙂
Um….since when do hotels allow circus animals? Too funny!
Oh I’m so happy to hear you were able to spend time with BH. 🙂
Um….since when do hotels allow circus animals? Too funny!
Oh I’m so happy to hear you were able to spend time with BH. 🙂
Um….since when do hotels allow circus animals? Too funny!
if you think about it.. circus animals are trained, so i guess it cant be too bad that we are grouped with them, right? and hey, we are most times be the best behaved (sp?) group of kids, because if not.. they have to deal with me…mwahaha
if you think about it.. circus animals are trained, so i guess it cant be too bad that we are grouped with them, right? and hey, we are most times be the best behaved (sp?) group of kids, because if not.. they have to deal with me…mwahaha
if you think about it.. circus animals are trained, so i guess it cant be too bad that we are grouped with them, right? and hey, we are most times be the best behaved (sp?) group of kids, because if not.. they have to deal with me…mwahaha
Smile! Big Brother is watching!
~:~Wendy Gates~:~
Smile! Big Brother is watching!
~:~Wendy Gates~:~
Smile! Big Brother is watching!
~:~Wendy Gates~:~
Marching Band isn’t rowdy! We’re just….full of sugar.
Marching Band isn’t rowdy! We’re just….full of sugar.
Marching Band isn’t rowdy! We’re just….full of sugar.
quiet enough….
And what if the marching band had mutes on everything? Or if they were the IMAGINARY INSTRUMENT marching band?
And what if the circus animals, were, let’s say FLEA’s?
quiet enough….
And what if the marching band had mutes on everything? Or if they were the IMAGINARY INSTRUMENT marching band?
And what if the circus animals, were, let’s say FLEA’s?
quiet enough….
And what if the marching band had mutes on everything? Or if they were the IMAGINARY INSTRUMENT marching band?
And what if the circus animals, were, let’s say FLEA’s?
Do the owners know we don’t march inside? What about the cheerleading squads? They’re much louder than us.. empty barrels make more noise. Generalization, I know, but hey…
Do the owners know we don’t march inside? What about the cheerleading squads? They’re much louder than us.. empty barrels make more noise. Generalization, I know, but hey…
Do the owners know we don’t march inside? What about the cheerleading squads? They’re much louder than us.. empty barrels make more noise. Generalization, I know, but hey…
I’m pretty far from being a child, but I actually found this kind of offensive–both the lumping of anyone under 18 with circus animals, and just the fact that it’s one more place saying No Kids Wanted, alongside all the public places that either don’t allow teens at all or don’t allow more than 3 or 4 teens to be together at a time. (I can’t imagine any adult who wouldn’t be indignant at being told they couldn’t go somewhere with more than two of their friends in tow, but if one is under 18, this is apparently okay.) I think everyone else has the healthier attitude by laughing at it rather than getting irritable, though. 🙂
And maybe–trying to be charitable–they mean really little kids, toddlers and the like.
I’m pretty far from being a child, but I actually found this kind of offensive–both the lumping of anyone under 18 with circus animals, and just the fact that it’s one more place saying No Kids Wanted, alongside all the public places that either don’t allow teens at all or don’t allow more than 3 or 4 teens to be together at a time. (I can’t imagine any adult who wouldn’t be indignant at being told they couldn’t go somewhere with more than two of their friends in tow, but if one is under 18, this is apparently okay.) I think everyone else has the healthier attitude by laughing at it rather than getting irritable, though. 🙂
And maybe–trying to be charitable–they mean really little kids, toddlers and the like.
I’m pretty far from being a child, but I actually found this kind of offensive–both the lumping of anyone under 18 with circus animals, and just the fact that it’s one more place saying No Kids Wanted, alongside all the public places that either don’t allow teens at all or don’t allow more than 3 or 4 teens to be together at a time. (I can’t imagine any adult who wouldn’t be indignant at being told they couldn’t go somewhere with more than two of their friends in tow, but if one is under 18, this is apparently okay.) I think everyone else has the healthier attitude by laughing at it rather than getting irritable, though. 🙂
And maybe–trying to be charitable–they mean really little kids, toddlers and the like.
oatmeal is better for you anyway … good ole stick-to-your-ribs kind of food … 😀
oatmeal is better for you anyway … good ole stick-to-your-ribs kind of food … 😀
oatmeal is better for you anyway … good ole stick-to-your-ribs kind of food … 😀