Samantha writes: OMG! I just wanted to tell you that I bought Prom today and have already read it! I loved it so much! I love your books, you are such a great writer! Are you working on a new novel anytime soon?I hope so!
*author dances around apartment in slippers*
THANK YOU, SAMANTHA!!! Waiting to get feedback from “real readers” (i.e. teenagers who are not related to me or dating one my kids) is nerve-wracking at best. I am so excited that you liked the book!!!
*more dancing*
And yes, I’m working on a new YA. I hope it will come out next year. More details when I finish it.
My school visit was canceled after all, so I’m back at work cutting out all the boring junk in my picture book manuscript in search of the stray interesting tidbits. Wish me luck.
*HappyDance* YAY for your first bit of fan mail for PROM! you ROCK! 🙂
*HappyDance* YAY for your first bit of fan mail for PROM! you ROCK! 🙂
*HappyDance* YAY for your first bit of fan mail for PROM! you ROCK! 🙂
No, I am not related to you or dating one of your kids,but I did just finish Prom and really loved. I liked how you took a common event and made it something new. have fun!
No, I am not related to you or dating one of your kids,but I did just finish Prom and really loved. I liked how you took a common event and made it something new. have fun!
No, I am not related to you or dating one of your kids,but I did just finish Prom and really loved. I liked how you took a common event and made it something new. have fun!
yay snow ? 😛
yay snow ? 😛
yay snow ? 😛
w00t! Glad Prom’s already a hit with one person! What’s gonna happen with the visit then? I feel kinda bad for the kids anticipating to meet you. But then again, you need the short break. OK, time to stop rambling…
w00t! Glad Prom’s already a hit with one person! What’s gonna happen with the visit then? I feel kinda bad for the kids anticipating to meet you. But then again, you need the short break. OK, time to stop rambling…
w00t! Glad Prom’s already a hit with one person! What’s gonna happen with the visit then? I feel kinda bad for the kids anticipating to meet you. But then again, you need the short break. OK, time to stop rambling…
I was bummed about the kids, too. And I’m a little concerned about tomorrow’s school. You know how it gets around here when a few flakes fall.
I have already set aside days in early May to make up any weather-delayed visits, so I’ll get to see them before the school year is out. This is only the second time I’ve had a school postpone on account of snow. For some reason, this is making me pout…
I was bummed about the kids, too. And I’m a little concerned about tomorrow’s school. You know how it gets around here when a few flakes fall.
I have already set aside days in early May to make up any weather-delayed visits, so I’ll get to see them before the school year is out. This is only the second time I’ve had a school postpone on account of snow. For some reason, this is making me pout…
I was bummed about the kids, too. And I’m a little concerned about tomorrow’s school. You know how it gets around here when a few flakes fall.
I have already set aside days in early May to make up any weather-delayed visits, so I’ll get to see them before the school year is out. This is only the second time I’ve had a school postpone on account of snow. For some reason, this is making me pout…
happy pineapple
I’ll be purchasing Prom when I get the chance. I’m looking forward to it (yay). Have you considered writing a novel with a male homosexual relationship/male homosexual protagonist?
happy pineapple
I’ll be purchasing Prom when I get the chance. I’m looking forward to it (yay). Have you considered writing a novel with a male homosexual relationship/male homosexual protagonist?
happy pineapple
I’ll be purchasing Prom when I get the chance. I’m looking forward to it (yay). Have you considered writing a novel with a male homosexual relationship/male homosexual protagonist?
I’m in the midst of Prom right now, and have read both Speak and Catalyst in the past couple of weeks. Catalyst is my staff pick at the moment (I work at Waldenbooks). The first thing I did when I got to work on Friday was ask if we got Prom in. I’m liking it so far. You rock. Just an FYI. 😉
I’m in the midst of Prom right now, and have read both Speak and Catalyst in the past couple of weeks. Catalyst is my staff pick at the moment (I work at Waldenbooks). The first thing I did when I got to work on Friday was ask if we got Prom in. I’m liking it so far. You rock. Just an FYI. 😉
I’m in the midst of Prom right now, and have read both Speak and Catalyst in the past couple of weeks. Catalyst is my staff pick at the moment (I work at Waldenbooks). The first thing I did when I got to work on Friday was ask if we got Prom in. I’m liking it so far. You rock. Just an FYI. 😉
Re: happy pineapple
No I haven’t. I’ve considered writing from a straight guy’s POV, though. To write from any male POV is writing outside of my culture, because I am not male. Not sure why I haven’t considered a gay character…. I haven’t had one show up in my head yet.
Re: happy pineapple
No I haven’t. I’ve considered writing from a straight guy’s POV, though. To write from any male POV is writing outside of my culture, because I am not male. Not sure why I haven’t considered a gay character…. I haven’t had one show up in my head yet.
Re: happy pineapple
No I haven’t. I’ve considered writing from a straight guy’s POV, though. To write from any male POV is writing outside of my culture, because I am not male. Not sure why I haven’t considered a gay character…. I haven’t had one show up in my head yet.
Thank you!
Thank you!
Thank you!