
This is celebration day in the forest. Why? First, it’s a good month for things I care about:

National Reading Group Month Obvious.
Breast Cancer Awareness Month Because I enjoy being alive.
National Popcorn Popping Month Food of the gods.
National Book Month Well, yeah.
I couldn’t find any links for National Pajama Month, but this is the couture of choice for working writers.

It’s a good week, too:
Give Wildlife a Brake Week Because critters are cuter when they are not roadkill or plastered across your bumper.

They should make this Post-Teen Read Week – a week-long celebration that would be highlighted by paid leave days for YA librarians, complete with massages, brownies, and fluffy pillows

And today? Drum roll, please.
International School Library Day! ::waves at international school libraries::
National Mole Day (chemistry, not little critters)
TV Talk Show Host Day Do with this what you will.

On this day in history:
1915 – Approximately 25,000 women demanded the right to vote with a march in New York City, NY. Huzzah!

A couple of people were born on this day in history:
Michael Crichton
Ang Lee
Dwight Yoakam
Weird Al Yankovic
Doug Flutie

And me. It’s my birthday today. To celebrate with me, eat popcorn and read. (Make sure to grab a napkin to wipe your greasy fingers on if your book came from the library.)

Writer’s conference recap tomorrow, assuming my cake and ice cream hangover isn’t too bad.