
So here’s something most of you don’t know about me – my hair started turning white when I was 18. “No big deal,” I thought. “Crazy stray hairs. I’ll just pluck them out.”

That stopped when I started resembling a half-plucked chicken. I reached for the bottle, the hair dye bottle.

I color my hair because if you are 18, or 26 or 34 or even 44 (almost, my birthday is a few months) you might not want white hair. However, dying my hair is expensive and a pain, so sometimes I let it go too long and then I have this thick white stripe running along my part and my children won’t be seen with me in public, and my husband tactfully suggests hats.

Have you read SPEAK? Find the description of Hairwoman. Yep, that’s my hair, folks. Whenever life hands you trauma, stick it in a book.

So anyways all of this backstory is to explain that I took a Giant Step yesterday. I went to my new hairdresser. This is a scary thing for a woman of a certain age and I was petrified. But it turned out great and now small children don’t run away screaming when they see me in public.

The reason, of course, for this beautification is my TV appearance tomorrow. I’ll be on “Bridge Street with Rick and Julie”, channel 9 in Syracuse, tomorrow morning. We will be taping at the State Fair – NewsChannel 9 Media Center on Chevrolet Court, to be precise. Do you know who else might make a surprise appearance? Katrina, formerly known as Hurricane Katrina!

I sure hope that Media Center is under a big roof. If it isn’t, you can tune in tomorrow and watch me do my drowned rat imitation. A drowned rat with very nice hair, I might add.

Made my writing goal yesterday and have a good chance of making it today. The story has turned darker but my Main Character still cracks me up. I love it when the writing is flowing and a character does or says something that makes me laugh out loud as I type it. All is right with the world when that happens.