It gets worse

I gutted out today’s school visit (thank you, Lenape and sorry about the frog voice) but I felt like the walking dead when it was over. I knew I had more than just a cold. The beastly germs in my lungs were churning up a foul brew, the color of which you do not want me to describe. And it was getting hard to breathe.

Doctor’s diagnosis: nasty bronchitis, complicated by asthma.

Doctor’s advice: crank up the asthma meds, add a few others, lots of water, rest, and do not – under any circumstances – go to the conference in Maryland this weekend.

So both my body and my spirit feel really bad. I hate, hate, hate being sick, but it feels awful to have to back out of an engagement at the last minute. If I had any energy, I would rant and rage. But I don’t, so I won’t.

The last time I got sick like this, I ignored the doctor. That’s the time I wound up in the hospital, and it set off a chain reaction of illnesses that lasted more than two years.

So I am following the doctor’s advice.


*coughs up lung*

*stops grumbling*