Blogging every day in August helped me get back into the blogging habit. I’ll try to blog at least once a week – on Saturdays – to keep you guys up to date about what’s going on up here in The Forest.
We are FINALLY finished with our 507-day renovation!!!! Do you want to see some pictures or would that be TMI?
I am writing again like,…. well, like a madwoman. My health has been good this summer (last year it really sucked) and although I have have a bunch of tests and doctor visits later this month, I think it will be smooth sailing ahead. I’m hoping to give my new YA to my editor by Halloween and then, AND THEN I get to dive into the historical research for ASHES, which will be an absolute delight.
The thing about writing as intensely as I am right now (12-hour days are not uncommon) is that it makes me a fairly boring person. I’m not watching movies or following celebrity gossip. My fantasy football team is in order, however. A girl must have her priorities!
I make time to read, too. Right now I’m reading
a biography of David Foster Wallace, and
which is a fascinating book about slaveholder Francis Scott Key and the race riot of 1835 which took place in Washington DC, and
fiction about the Olympics and friendship and sacrifice.
Now that the renovation is over we are beginning to plan for winter, which means any day now a truck is going to drop off 30-cord of firewood. I wish you all lived close enough that you could help stack it.
What are you reading? Why are you enjoying it?