Over the weekend someone slashed our “Obama for President” sign with a knife. Sliced it into ribbons.
In honor of that person, I’ve decided to make another contribution to Sen. Obama’s campaign.
I am actually a more conservative person than most people might guess. I am a registered Republican, although the leadership of both parties makes me weep. You have to be a registered something around here. My husband and I own guns and we hunt. I believe in balanced budgets, personal accountability, small government that stays the heck out of people’s lives, and in the old-fashioned concept of Americans caring for each other. I believe that the Bush administration is the worst thing that has ever happened to America, and that under Bush’s leadership our country has been sold out to the interests of major corporations. I want my country back.
I support Sen. Obama’s position on energy use, healthcare, education, and getting us out of Iraq.
I have read Sen. McCain’s position papers. I don’t agree with most of them. If he is elected, I don’t think the country will be in as dangerous a position as we have been under the Bush administration, but I don’t think Sen. McCain really grasps the situation of working people in America. He seems out of touch and his proposals lack vision and depth.
So the Obama signs are going back up on the trees that face the road. They will be hung so that they can be seen by passers-by, but anyone who wants to destroy them is going to have to hike a little to get to them.
Along with the “Obama for President” signs, we’re going to post the following message, to anyone violates our Constitutionally-protected private property and destroys our Constitutionally-protected right to free speech by ruining our statement of political support.
The extra sign will say this:
If you are standing close enough to read this, you need to know three things:
1. You are trespassing on private property.
2. You have already been photographed. (by a scouting camera)
3. You are standing in a sea of poison ivy.
Three cheers for the First Amendment!”