I love all the entries for the last drop of snow contest. Keep them coming! You have until March 20th to enter. (For the record – it rained most of yesterday, which ate away at the snow. But we have flurries right now.)
Today I have phone interviews in anticipation of the TWISTED release next week. And I have to get my hair cut. And I have to go shopping to pick up various odds and ends. And return my library books and go to the bank. And pick up my mom from the hospital.
That last item is, of course, the priority of the day. My mom has emphysema and came down with pneumonia. We spent Tuesday in the ER and she was hooked up to meds in the hospital all day yesterday. The meds did the job and and now she can breathe again, so they are letting her out. She is fond of breathing. We are fond of her breathing, too. Mom has emphysema because she smoked. She started when she was 17 years old and finally quit two years ago, when she was forced to go on oxygen 24/7. Please don’t smoke. It is nasty.
A few more reviews (VOYA & KLIATT & Horn Book) came in yesterday ::glows:: but I have to check to see when their publication date is, and if I’m allowed to post them.
Basketball starts at noon and continues all weekend. Don’t like hoops? Then read one of these books about the lies and injustice of “higher education.”
OK, that last sentence was really cranky. I don’t want to be cranky today. I want to be happy. Muffin happy. Muffin. Muffin. Muffin.
edited to add Mom is home safe and healthier from the hospital. Man, oh, man is she feisty. I think it’s the steroids. Poor Daddy. But it is awesome that she is not gasping and that she is so quick to smile again.