No Name Calling Week is fast approaching: January 24 – 28. (Which isn’t really a full week, is it? The project is aimed at schools, so it’s a school-week long. But I think the weekend would be a useful addition. Just sayin’.)
What is No Name Calling Week? I thought you’d never ask!
No Name-Calling Week is an annual week of educational activities aimed at ending name-calling of all kinds and providing schools with the tools and inspiration to launch an on-going dialogue about ways to eliminate bullying in their communities.
The idea came from James Howe‘s wonderful book, THE MISFITS, and has grown into a national movement. The NNCW website is loaded with ideas and resources for schools and families. Go look!!
To support this effort, a bunch of authors (including moi) have made anti-bullying videos.
Would you please help spread the word? Thank you!