When my head was in the sand last week, apparently it was Delurking Week. Having you been lurking here, but hesitated to speak up?
Well, introduce yourself! Please! Who are you? Why are you here? Add a comment – stay anonymous if you want, but give me a couple hints about why you stroll down this forest path.
Why am I asking you to pull aside your invisibility cloak? I spent most of yesterday putting together a list of updates and changes I want to make on my website. This got me thinking about the blog and why I write here. A big part of why I write this blog is participate in a community of like-minded people. But I think I need to be clear about what is on your mind.
What do you want me to write about on this blog? What should I never, ever mention again? Want more pictures? Of what? Do you want more stuff about the writing process, or should I never use the word “deadline” again in a sentence?
And on a much more significant note, he never had a blog, but Dr. King knew the power of the word.