If you are younger than 40, please, please read this so you’ll know how far we’ve come. We still have a long way to go, but there is hope ringing in my heart. Can’t remember the last time I felt this way.
Do you have any plans for Saturday? No? Let me make some for you.
In the morning, head to downtown Syracuse and jog or walk in Paige’s Butterfly Run. It is held in the memory of Paige Yeomans Arnold who died of leukemia when she was in first grade. I am friends with her amazing parents, Ellen and Chris, who have turned their tragedy into hope for other children with cancer by raising a small fortune for research with this run, now in its 12th year.
After you run, enjoy the food and music at the Taste of Syracuse, a downtown celebration that will feature the food of local restaurants and bands that will make you dance.
Then head west to the gorgeous village of Skaneateles to hear me speak at Creekside Books at 1pm. I’ll be bringing folks up to date on my Vet Volunteers series, talking about Independent Dames and might drop a few hints about next year’s YA novel. As always, I am happy to write notes to English teachers begging for extra credit for any students who come out to hear me talk. See an author, raise your GPA!
But the biggest celebration today is with my Beloved Husband, for this is the day we wed. Happy Anniversary, baby, got you on my mind….