Welcome to the Fifth Annual Write Fifteen Minutes A Day Challenge©!
The rules of the WFMAD Challenge are simple.
Commit to write for 15 minutes every single day this month.
Write, just like you promised yourself.
There is no Rule #3. Life is already too complicated. Two rules are easy to remember. The point is to get you to write, not bog you down with silly regulations.
How Does This WFMAD Thing Work?
Every day for the month of August, I’ll post a quote about writing or art, and a writing prompt. I’ll probably ramble a bit, too, though expect to see less of that this year than in years past. After the ups and downs of the last year, I’m finally back in the writing groove, and that’s where my focus needs to stay. (That, btw, is why I haven’t been blogging or hanging out much on social media sites recently.)
The prompts are written without assuming anything about your experience or abilities. I believe that pretty much anyone can write about pretty much anything if they give themselves permission to do it, and put in the requisite time and attention to craft.
Many of the prompts are written so that you can respond with your personal feelings, memories, or experience. Feel free to respond, instead, from the viewpoint of a fictional character. Use a character from your Work In Progress. Make up a new one every day, if you want.
Where Do I Sign Up?
No sign-ups, although in years past, writers have double-dog-dared their writer friends to join them in the Challenge. I suggest a high-stakes bet with your friend, if you choose to do that.
Do I Have To Respond To Your Prompts?
Goodness, no! Write what you want, write what the little voice in your head is whispering. But if you are stuck, try out the prompt.
How Can You Tell If I Am Doing It?
I can’t. It’s between you and your Muse, unless you tell your friends or leave a note in the Comments section of my blog. (I must admit, I like it when people do that.) Sometimes people post their day’s writing in the Comments section. (I like that, too.)
You are accountable only to yourself, ever, for the amount of time you choose to spend writing. Or if you blow it off. This is a good place to begin the daily discipline, and to get in the habit of that accountability. Here you are with friends who understand the struggle. Feel free to tell us all about your writing challenges, or ask me questions in the Comments section.
Is This Connected to NANOWRIMO?
Nope, but I am a big fan of that project and strongly encourage all of you to sign up for it this year.
Will You Read What I Wrote?
Thank you for asking, but I have to say no. There are not enough hours in the day for what I want to do right now. Sorry.
Can I Use Your Prompts In My Class?
Yes! Please cite me properly, that’s all I ask. If you get a moment, I’d love to know what kind of feedback you receive from your students. (Permission is only given for classroom use. The prompts, like all of my blog writing, remain my property.)
Why Are You Doing This?
Because the arts flourish in community. When kindred spirits gather they raise each other up. The differences between someone who has been published and someone who hasn’t are not nearly as dramatic as you might think. I still struggle to make time everyday to write. I still choke at the thought of the blank page. I never write as well or as thoughtfully, or as fast as I want to. But I love writing. I’d be scribbling stories if I had never been published. It is the writing – surrendering to the magic – that is the best part of my day. It balances me, and makes me feel alive. I want to share that with you.
Ready? Set your timers to 15 minutes and get going.
“If the angel deigns to come, it will be because you have convinced her, not by tears, but by your humble resolve to be always beginning; to be a beginner.”
Rainer Maria Rilke
Today’s Prompt: What things do you allow to get in the way of your writing? Be specific, detailed, and brutally honest.
Scribble… scribble… scribble…