TWISTED – New York Times Bestseller!

Thanks to you guys – my readers, all the librarians and teachers who support my work, and the outstanding booksellers who lined up solidly behind TWISTED – the book has made the New York Times Bestseller List, at position #6.

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Yes! That’s my book!!! ::dances and squees:: Thank you so much, everybody. Thank you, thank you!!

Be sure to give a shout, too, for #10, Barnstormers, by my buddy .

Because the list is put together a few weeks ahead of time, the April 8th edition actually reflects sales from the week of March 18th. That means that TWISTED cracked The List in its debut week and that makes me really, really happy. I can also tell you that next week’s list (to be published April 15th) has already been put together, and TWISTED is on it again.

Life is looking mighty bright today, my friends.

I have one more afternoon of paperwork ahead of me and then a few hours at the gym. I am thinking of calling a work-free weekend and just gorging myself on all the books I brought home from the tour. It snowed again last night and it is snowing right now, so I don’t have to worry about neglecting the garden or yard.


Yeah, I’m doing it. I hereby declare a guilt-free reading weekend for all!

(Tell me what you’re reading.)

Let the turning of pages begin!

63 Replies to “TWISTED – New York Times Bestseller!”

  1. I just finished WHITE TEETH by Zadie Smith and AN ABUNDANCE OF KATHERINES by John Green, and now I’m savoring FLY BY NIGHT by Frances Hardinge.

    All dark chocolate and peeps are guilt free this weekend, too!

  2. Unfortunately I’m not reading anything at the moment (gasp!) because I didn’t think to bring books home from work yesterday for the long weekend.

    BUT, I just wanted to tell you that on my last visit to the flagship Borders store in Ann Arbor, MI, Twisted was front and center on the new books table. Not the new teen lit table, mind you, but the right-when-you-walk-in-the-front-door table. I did a happy dance for you.

  3. Congratulations on The List!!

    I just started Gretel Ehrlich’s This Cold Heaven: Seven Seasons in Greenland. Brrrr.

  4. (Tell me what you’re reading.)

    This is a dangerous question to ask around me.

    I just finished Charles Bukowski’s Horses Don’t Bet on People and Neither Do I at lunch. I’m currently in the middle of…

    Catherynne M. Valente, The Grass-Cutting Sword
    Scott Heim, Mysterious Skin
    Melvin Burgess, Doing It
    Henrik Ibsen, The Master Builder
    Noah Aschenbach, Comfort Food (if I can ever find my copy again… yikes!)
    Daniel Evans, Ellipsis (pre-pub draft)
    Candace Black (ed.) Dark Star
    Martin Brownlow, Game Programming Golden Rules
    Storm Constantine, The Enchantments of Flesh and Spirit
    Lynne Cheney, Sisters
    Steven A. Smith, ASP.NET by Example
    Geetanjali Arora et al., C# Professional Projects
    Stephen Chrstopher Quinn, Windows on Nature: The Great Habitat Dioramas of the American Museum of Natural History
    Desmond Morris, Horsewatching
    Harmony Korine, A Crack-Up at the Race Riots
    Joyce Carol Oates, Zombie

    …and I’ve got another six or so on deck waiting for me to start them…

  5. Congratulations!!! May you spend many, many more weeks there!

    I’m reading The Earth, My Butt and Other Big, Round Things

  6. Congratulations! You SO deserve them both, Laurieβ€”The best-seller position AND the guilt-free reading weekend. I’m happy for you! πŸ™‚

    Right now, I’m reading An Abundance of Katherines, and I have a huge stack of library books to get through. The next one in my bag is First Impressions by Marilyn Sachs. But this is Easter weekend, which means running all over the state and carting Aidan to see his grandparents. I don’t know how much reading I’ll actually get to do. MY guilt-free weekend happens NEXT weekend, when EVERYONE is out of town except me. I can’t wait.

  7. Right now I’m reading An Abundance of Katherines but I can’t do the guilt-free thing b/c I have a term paper due on Tuesday. XP Bloody term papers.


  8. Congrats for making the list. Hopefully, I might one day have a book (or two) on the NYT bestseller list (that’s if I actually get around to writing one ;)).

    I’m currently reading Silent to the Bone by E. L. Konigsburg.

  9. I just finished First Impressions yesterday! It was a sweet, easygoing read. And I was pleased to know Ms. Sachs is still writing; I remember checking her books out from the library as a kid in the mid-1970s. πŸ™‚

  10. Congrats on the bestseller! After that excitement, you totally deserve a guilt-free reading weekend.

    I am currently reading:
    White Oleander by Janet Fitch

  11. I’m currently reading Northanger Abbey by Jane Austen, but unfortunately I can’t do guilt-free reading because I have about 60 journal articles to read for a 20-page literature review due in a couple of weeks. Yuck!!

  12. Well done on the bestseller list!

    I’m reading (and scribbling comments on) my friend’s fantasy novel that she’s written, because she printed out out and had been brandishing it at me for the past month! πŸ˜€ I’m enjoying it though but she’ll probably get it back and ignore all the comments I’ve made. πŸ˜›

    And I’m also almost finished reading “Sir Thursday” by Garth Nix, which I started on the train to (and from) London, because we went there yesterday. Oh and I’m reading Romeo and Juliette. πŸ˜€

  13. “Alone with the Devil: Famous Cases of a Courtroom Psychiatrist” by Ronald Markman.
    “Incubus Dreams” by Laurell K. Hamilton.
    “Trickster’s Choice” by Tamora Pierce.
    “The Secret Life of Bees” by Sue Monk Kidd (Must reread in order to write literary analysis for English…)
    and various manga.

  14. Booyah! You’ll be in the top three next week.

    I’m reading Hero; A room on Lorelei Street by Mary Pearson; and The Black Sheep by Yvonne Collins and Sandy Rideout.

  15. Well Done! (or is it medium rare?)

    NOT SURPISED – CONGRATS KIDDO! Even though we all know that it’s all of BH’s literary thoughts and words, and you’re just the “front person” for him……lol! What am I reading? Why, a “yet to be released early copy” of an Education book by Jane Pollock through ASCD that my wife was asked to write a chapter in! (…quietly pushing this book to fellow educators, especially at the Elementary Level) The book is titled “Improving Student Learning One Teacher at a Time”. All ASCD members will be receiving a copy since it upon release soon it will be their “book of the month”. tq

  16. ADHD?

    I used to due that all the time. My rule now is no more than 3 at a time. And no pleasure-reading while school is in session, although I break this one occasionally, which is bad, cause then I don’t do my homework or go to bed at a decent time. Movies, plays, poems, short-stories, and essays are allowed though because they don’t take as much time

  17. #6, that’s pretty fricking kickass. Go you!

    I really, really don’t have time for a novel (and I’m on break, I hate my life), but I will read at least 3 essays, 10 poems and watch 2 movies.

    But first I will make myself another cup of tea. There’s too much blood in my caffeine system.

  18. This weekend I’ll be mostly writing papers but also reading Strindberg’s A Dream Play, for school.

  19. I had declared it as such too! I’ve had a really stressful work week, but my preschool is on Spring Break next week, so I decided that from tomorrow through the 16th is my stress-free, guilt-free time to read. πŸ™‚ I’m nearly finished with Twisted (and loving it!), and then I’m moving on to Come Back, a memoir by Claire & Mia Fontaine. Happy Easter, and happy reading to you!

  20. This weekend I’m reading Miriam Toews’ The Summer of my Amazing Luck, and re-reading Sarah Dessen’s Someone Like You. Not entirely guilt-free, though, at least not until I get my submission in to my critique group (the sub that was due, um, two days ago… oops).

  21. Congratulations!! Well-deserved.

    Just finished “Hard Love,” in the middle of “Confessions of a Wallflower,” about to begin “Hairstyles of the Damned.”

  22. Now THAT’S where you want to be- congrats, you bestselling author, you!
    I am reading The Omnivore’s Dilemma. Shudder. Not exactly guilt-free reading!

  23. OH! Mysterious Skin! I saw that movie. I liked it, although it was very disturbing to watch. I’ve been looking for a copy of that book since about Christmas 2005. Was it hard to find?

  24. “Fountainhead” by Ayn Rand. I originally picked up a copy because it was thick and I wanted to look studious when I read it – I’m shallow, I know – but I’m pleasantly surprised by how much I’m getting into it. I work a graveyard shift with not much else to do, so I’ve finished half the book in two days. Yay for getting indirectly paid to read!

  25. thanks for permission to read

    GRIEF GIRL was the one I selected for today. Tomorrow, who knows? Huzzah on the NYT listing. Wel deserved, to say the least. Now, I am going to indulge myself and watch THE SOUND OF MUSIC.


    I’m reading uhh, hmm…
    by uhh, oh yeah, you.

    =D But I don’t have any guilt for it.

    And I am reading A Time For Dancing by Davida Wills Hurwin.

  27. I don’t mind the footnotes too much, although they do kinda break into the flow. But you could probably get away with just skipping them.

  28. I don’t have time for guilt free reading. I’m doing woe-inducing university readings. Wanna know about unilateralism vs multi-literalism and implications of either on world stability? I’m your girl. Sigh.

    Congrats on making the NYT bestseller list! Frame it! And display proudly and prominently!

  29. Congratulations on your new bestseller! I can’t wait to read it!

    You asked me to tell you about the Teen Book Festival in Fairport this year, and I just posted about it on my blog, in case you feel like reading it!


  30. CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Really, that’s amazing. (but then again, you are an amazing person!)

    Right now, I’m reading Back Home by Michelle Magorian. I don’t know how it happened, but this book is the one thing I reread every time I come home from college.

  31. Congratulations!

    Right now I’m reading certain chapters out of my electronics, physics, and technical writing textbooks. It is oh-so-exciting. πŸ˜›

    little quirk

  32. Congratulations!!! Right now I’m reading Sabriel by Garth Nix for the second time.

    But… right before I started Sabriel, I finally got to read Twisted! I completely devoured it (read it straight through in basically one sitting of 4 hours) and have told everyone I know to read it. Thanks for sharing such a powerful story with us all!

  33. Twisted

    Just as I finished reading Twisted this morning I realized that I hadn’t anyway of telling the writer how much I enjoyed the book. But then I saw the link address and took a chance that you would actually be contactable. And you are, and so then I can ask you, have you ever read Daniel Drinkwater?

  34. Why, I’m reading a book called Psychology but a bunch of stupid authors who work for a company that charged me $80 to get damn information that I could have just got from the library.

    ::grumbles and goes back to study for a 9am test::

    Christos Anesti!

  35. Books

    I just finished “Twisted” which, may I say, was fantastic. I also just finished “Speak” again. And watched the movie.

    I’m working on “A Series of Unfortunate Events” as well as rereading the Harry Potter series for the 17th time.

    And I am about to start “The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy”. And I’m also about to start “Prom.”

    And I want to read “Atonement” for real. I was supposed to read it for an AP English course. But I dropped the class. Heh.

    I love guilt-free reading weekends. πŸ˜€

  36. im rereading the harry potter series (in anticipation of the new book and movie coming out in july. the HP series will be punctuated by “mirror mirror,” by gregory maguire; any and all laurie halse anderson books i can get my grubby little paws on; the oliver script (town theatre production); and merchant of venice (shakespeare), several times, because one of my friends is directing it next semester, and has roped me in for sets and costumes (tres excited, since thats pretty much my dream job…)

    that should see me through the summer pretty well, since oliver will require practices and line learning, and merchant of venice will require TONS of sketches and possibly some embroidery and so forth to get a jump start on the fancier costumes…

    because i KNOW you wanted to hear my life story… lol.


  37. book i am reading

    probably more than everyone thought possible (hey you gotta give me credit i got over 840 AR points this school year) but among some, fever, libby on wednesday, the ratcatchers daughter, the wild at heart series (which i unfortunatley only have 7 of.
    :-(, etc, etc.

  38. wow

    hello well you sure have became a huge sucess well you look awesom also right now i am reading your book SPEAK at the age of 13 and it is so GOOD… AND I LOVE THE WAY YOU MAKE IT LIKE YOU ARE RIGHT INFRONT OF ME TALKING TO ME WELL THANK FOR YOUR TIME

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