Wednesday to-do list

1. Stare at our very, very, very long, snow-covered driveway. (We had another 10 inches last night.)
2. Mourn the death of our 26-year-old plow truck. Watch my husband, the mechanical genius who resurrected the old plow truck, de-snow the driveway.
3. Drink tea.
4. Revise – add new scenes to Act 3. (All day activity.)
5. Listen to BH on the phone looking for someone to plow us out. Make fresh coffee for a cold and hard-working husband.
6. Check on Mom and Dad.
7. Revise – make a few changes to earlier scenes based on yesterday’s conversation with the deputy sheriff.
8. More tea!
9. Look at email.
10. Continue pretending email does not exist in order to maintain focus on revisions.
11. Tea… with food, this time.
12. Watch Creature With Fangs frolic in snow.
13. Avoid wet paws.
14. Revise – more new scenes in Act 3…. make sure his emotions are unfolding in the right order.
15. Quick dinner.
16. If we’re plowed out, head to downtown Syracuse to listen to Suzan-Lori Parks speak. (I’ve never seen her plays, but I loved Getting Mother’s Body.)
17. Go to sleep.