It always happens

So I was hacking away at my WIP yesterday and I came across a mirage. My tiny writer’s brain thought it saw a better book in the distance, tempting me, calling to me.

“You don’t want to continue in your WIP,” it cooed. “Come to me. I am the perfect novel. Look – aren’t my characters more interesting? Doesn’t the plot turn delightfully? You know you want to write me.”

Oh, nasty mirage. Oh, dark temptation!

This happens during every novel. Every stinking one. I’m not sure where it comes from: desperation, fear, inadequacy. But I know this is a temptation that needs to be faced head on, or it doesn’t go away. I took a couple hours and wrote up a summary of the new idea, then I went back to the WIP.

Happy Summer Solstice. This is a great time of year to be in Scandinavia.