Garden Update

Lest you think I’m only going to blog about writing this month, I thought I’d give you a peek in the garden, my other summer passion.

Image and video hosting by TinyPic The hollyhocks have started to bloom.

Image and video hosting by TinyPic I wish I could crawl inside one.

Image and video hosting by TinyPic Here is one of the stone planters, filled with a combination of vegetables and flowers. The broccoli are done for the season, though I might try a late crop this fall. The lettuce hasn’t bolted yet, which I appreciate. The tomatoes are insane – no other word for it. (Yes, they are the crazy monster plants in the middle.) I am experimenting with two sweet potato plants and cabbages in these beds, too. So far, so good.

Image and video hosting by TinyPic This is what we call the corner garden. It’s planted with Roma tomatoes, hot peppers, marigolds, zinnias, and out of range of this camera, green beans.

Image and video hosting by TinyPic It is snow pea season; we’re eating them every day.

Image and video hosting by TinyPic They are so yummy that next year I think I’ll plant three times as many.

I also picked a bunch of basil today that I’m about to mush up and freeze. Photos tomorrow maybe.

18 Replies to “Garden Update”

  1. You take such beautiful pictures–but maybe that’s partly because you have such beautiful plants to take pictures of! Count me jealous. I (my parents) have some plants and flowers, but nothing like yours and, sadly, no garden. I think that’ll be about the first thing I do when I, very far down the road, get my own place.

  2. Oohh…beautiful! I love your hollyhocks, especially.

    I’ve been doing battle with sawfly larvae on my roses and need to weed the tomato bed today.

  3. Beautiful but be careful!

    Your hollyhocks are just gorgeous! You may know this already but they are very poisonous to dogs. For some reason dogs like to dig at them and are attracted to the roots. I thought I would send you a warning since you have a beloved pooch.

  4. Re: Beautiful but be careful!

    Thank you so much for alerting me to this! So far, the Creature With Fangs has shown no interest. She prefers to prance around the yard with the giant stalk of the retired broccoli plant in her mouth. But we’ll keep an eye on her!

  5. Luscious…

    and beautiful. I’m glad you find the time so we can see this garden delight. How do you keep the bunnies and deer away?

  6. I thought I was the only gardener who actually imagined climbing inside one of their blooms! For me, it’s my peonies. It just looks so tranquil in there 🙂

  7. The hollyhocks are so gorgeous! They look sort of like the kind of flowers elementary schoolers make out of tissue paper.

  8. Laurie – beautiful garden pictures! To add to an earlier question because I’ve been wondering this since my mom and I recently started a garden, do you do anything besides let the Creature With Fangs leave his scent to keep away animals? We have a determined little groundhog that keeps going after our zuccini and after seeing your beautiful pictures I was wondering if you ever have the same problems and how you handle them. Clearly our dog’s scent isn’t quite doing the trick 🙂

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