Weekend photos

As promised, here is evidence of what a great weekend I had.

Image and video hosting by TinyPic Friday night at the river’s end bookstore (Oswego, NY) Harry Potter party. It was PACKED. My favorite part of the night was listening to the end of Book 6 being read aloud while bouncing up and down on my toes and compulsively checking the time, begging Midnight to hurry along.

Image and video hosting by TinyPic And it finally came! Here is happy daughter Meredith holding one of our three copies. (I had to pick up one for my dad, who is one of J.K. Rowling’s biggest 80-year-old fans).

Image and video hosting by TinyPic The Nearly-Headless Nick is actually Bill, who owns the store. It was an excellent costume. After we left the store, we met up with BH and friends at a quiet bar. I was the designated driver so I sat under a light and started the book instead of drinking beer.

Image and video hosting by TinyPic Didn’t get much sleep Friday night and read most of Saturday. Finished the book Sunday morning, then headed out to the Ren Faire with another wave of our kids and their friends. Here I am with my husband, the hot pirate, and daughter Jessica.

The rest of the week has been/will be pondering the very strange ideas I am having for my next YA. I’m having fun and am terrified at the same time which is usually a good sign.

If you have TWISTED questions, join us in the ALAN chat tomorrow night at 9pm.