Why writing makes me feel like taking a hammer to my head

Great photo essay at pamie.com about first draft writing.

Half of my WIP is on Draft 3. The other half is on Draft 2. Don’t ask. I am liable to take your head off at your knees. The goal is to have everything up to Draft 3 quality by Christmas. Yesterday I expanded chapter 19 into three chapters. This morning it is clear that chapters 24 & 25 should be combined into one. The universe craves balance, I guess. At 10 pm last night when I wailed that this was going to be a 400-pound, I mean 400-page, book, BH patted my head and suggested that maybe I needed to sleep.

I don’t want to sleep. I want to stay awake for the next 1000 hours and fight my way through this sucker.

I guess I’ve entered the Fear and Loathing Stage of the writing process.

At least it’s snowing out.

(Still looking for healthy muffin recipes. My Aunt Barb came through for me. Anyone else? Muffins just might be the salvation of this book!)