Other people are more interesting than I am today…

… so let me point you in their direction!

anshutian has photos of her hanging at the Great Wall of China.

blankjewels did a Myspace search of Melinda Sordino and turned up 20 hits.

lsparksreader posted the best entry ever about the ALA in New Orleans.

Oh, and note to Patrick Campbell: You asked what makes me tick. That is a wicked hard question. If you asked me that question ten times in one day, you would get ten different answers. So, in a way, the answer I offer is only a piece of the truth, one facet.

Here is the truth about me in this minute, in this place: I love being alive. I want to experience every thing, all emotions at top volume. I want to live hard, live long, live joyfully, and yes, live strong. (Mild ironic Lance Armstrong observation tucked in there.)

I would also like to live without humidity, but this is beyond my powers. It is disgusting out right now. Rain, dammit, rain!