Happy post-ALA news

Word came today that both SPEAK and FEVER 1793 were chosen for the 100 Best of the Best list compiled by YALSA. (Thank you, lovely librarians!) I haven’t been able to find an ala.org link to the entire list yet. If somebody knows the coordinates, let me know so I can post it and we can all enjoy it.

Scheduling utility shut-offs didn’t take as long as I feared. I used the extra time to write a poem. Now I have to pack the extra sheets and pots and pans.

I am NOT going downtown for Live 8 tomorrow. I am a weenie about sun and heat, and I’ve heard they are going to be stingy with public bathrooms. Are any of you guys going? If so, be sure to report back.

A thunderstorm is rolling in. The kitties living on the deck have taken cover under the folding chairs.

Are you bored?

Here’s a writing prompt. Use this image to kick off a story or essay idea. If you want, link to your story in the comments, or insert your favorite couple of paragraphs in a comment.

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Me? I have to contact all the utility companies in preparation for the Big Move. (Picture me throwing the phone against the wall in frustration.)