A few days off

Friday morning was a whirlwind school visit in Austin to Clint Small Middle School where we ate great pastry and talked about FEVER 1793. Many thanks to Elizabeth the Librarian and the rest of the staff and especially all the students for making the morning fly. Speaking of flying, it took 8 hours, but I finally made it back to Philly. Got home at 9:30pm. My Beloved Husband drove down from NY to make sure I got a hot dinner.

Saturday, I slept. To be honest, that is all I remember. No wait, I looked at my mail. Mer had a friend over for dinner. My sister called too early. My parents did, too, but you can’t say to your elderly mom, “Call back in ten hours when I’m awake.” So I talked to her, and thought I did a good impression of a sane, healthy, rested person. Dumb, dumb, dumb. She called back yesterday to tell me she hadn’t slept Saturday night because she was so worried about me. Sigh

Yesterday was more sleeping. We finished off the taxes and did laundry. Best thing was that we had the windows open all day long and I didn’t turn the heat on last night. I love having the windows open.

I have to get my butt in gear now. Lots more to catch up on today. Tonight I am driving out to Lancaster County. You can find me from 6:30-8pm at Buckhill Book Shop, 1040 Lititz Pike, Lititz, PA, 717-627-2665.

Tomorrow I head to New York City for a couple of kick-off events for the New York Reads Together Program, sponsored by the New York Women’s Agenda. I don’t have all the details yet, but I know I’ll be speaking at the Donnelly Library, 20 West 53rd St, at 10am on Tuesday. I’ll be in Brooklyn on Wednesday. Not sure if I’m bringing the computer or not, so it might be a few days before I post again.

All of this traveling has been fun, but I have to admit, I’m ready to start writing again.

Oh, PS to Andrew – thanks for the advice about Dream Theater. You were right.