And away it goes!

*dancing in glee around living room*

It’s off!!! The historical picture book manuscript I’ve been working on for the last two years is in (what I hope) is its final form and is now winging its way to my editor. I know I’ll have to revise it again – that’s a given. I will also be anxiously awaiting the feedback from the professional historians who will review it for accuracy. But for right now, I feel like a mountain just came off my shoulders.

(I’m not supposed to give details of the content yet. I’ll let you know what it’s about as soon as The Powers That Be give me the nod.)

Meredith is on break today and was sweet enough to make me a grilled cheese sandwich with tomato soup for lunch, so right now I’m feeling like Queen of the Universe. (No scary dreams last night, that helped, too.) Thank you, Mer-Mer!!!

My BH and the Creature With Fangs and daughter Stef will all be here this weekend for Easter. Mer and I are going shopping for the dog right now. Don’t want the CWF to think the couch is a chew toy.

*more dancing*

Did I mention how unfreakinbelievably happy I am that this draft is done??